Back to school

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"Welcome back from the internships, I hope you learned from your time there" Aizawa told his class in his usual bored voice. "Now, the final exams are coming up in a few weeks. There will be a written and practical part. Those of you that doesn't pass will have to spend the summer here taking extra classes while the rest goes to the summer camp. I expect that you all do your best. Anyways, take on your hero costumes and meet up at field gamma, we are going to have a test" He explained to the class before leaving the classroom.

As soon as he left many of the students started complaining about the written part. Especially the ones who was ranked the lowest like Mina and Kaminari. Luckily for them, Yaoyorozu offered to help them study. 

When the class met up at field gamma, they were met with All Might. "Today we will be doing rescue training! I will be standing her and you will be having a race to reach me first. Each race will have five contestants. And for the first race we will have Midoriya, Mina, Ojiro, Iida and Sero!" He explained and the five contestant got over to their starting positions. "So who do you think is gonna win?" Kaminari asked. "I think it's gonna be Sero, his quirk is perfect for this situation" Kirishima said. "Iida may be injured, but he still has speed in his side" Todoroki said, suprising everyone beacuse he participated in a conversation. "I think it's gonna be Izuku. I'm just unsure how he can manuever in such an environment" Ochako commented.

"Ready! Set! GO!!" All Might announced and the contestants set off towards their goal. Mina was gliding along the pipes using her acid. Ojiro used his tail to boost his speed and jump between gaps. Iida ran across the pipes with his engine quirk. Sero thought he had the victory secure as he used his tape to move across the area like spiderman, but he suddenly got a huge suprise. Up from behind him came Izuku and flew past him at an incredible speed. He took a salto before flying back down into the maze of pipes. He dodged every pipe before he ever was at risk of hitting them. Sometimes the layout would force him to come up to the top and find another path. "Holy shit! Midoriya is fast!" Kirishima exclaimed in suprise. 

It didn't take long before Izuku had made it to his goal in a clear first place. "Well done Midoriya! I would expect no less of you" All Might told Izuku proudly. "Thank you All Might!" Izuku responded, smiling back to his former idol. After Izuku came Sero completly exhausted in his attempt to catch up to Izuku. "Seriously Midoriya. How fast can you go with that thing?" Sero asked ans pointed towards the odm-gear. "Well, I'm not sure since I havent been in any situation where I have used it to it's fullest since the last upgrade. Although, Mei thought I could match All Might at 60-70% of his speed under the ideal conditions" Izuku responded. "No way in hell I can compete with that" Sero complained. After Sero came Iida, then Ojiro and lastly Mina.

When the class was done with their exercise it was time for lunch. "So what do you think we will do in the practical exam?" Sero asked. "I've heard from some of the seniors that it is basicly just a repeat of the entrance exam" Kirishima replied. "So we will only be fighting robots? This will be super easy!" Mina exclaimed aand punched her fist into the air. "But we still need to worry about the written exam" she said an slouched into her chair. "I think you will be just fine" Izuku said "Remember you ha-" he continued but was stopped when a tray crashed into his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't enough room for me to move my tray around your quirkless head" Monoma said with a smirk. "Wasn't winning the sports festival enough for you quirkless loser. You had to meet the hero killer too. You are just some ignorant quirkless hero wannabe that couldn't do anything right" He said and started laughing, almost like a villain. Izuku had heard enough of these comments for a life time and became furious. He gripped around his cutlery so hard that the metal started to bend. "You got thirty seconds to apologize, before I make you regrett being born" Izuku said in a low voiced filled with more anger than anyone had heard from him. 

Bakugo gulped and wispered over to the others with a hint of fear in his voice "Last time he said that to somebody was five years ago. That poor bastard wasn't seen before a few months had passed. And when he came back he would start shivering like crazy whenever Deku looked at him. It apparently took him two years of therapy to get over it" All the members of class 1-A now wished they would never be on the reciving end of Izuku's rage.

"And what would you do? You're just som shitty quir-" Monoma's rant was stopped by a quick chop to the neck by Itsuka. "I'm sorry for my classmates rudness. I apologize for his behavior and I hope we still can treat eachother as equals" she said. Izuku looked on the unconscious and back at Itsuka. "Good" he simply said and returned to his meal. Everyone at the table sighed in relief, even Bakugo, relieved that they didn't have to witness the slaughter of a fellow student.

Two weeks later Mei and Izuku was discussing upgrades to his equipment. "Since we have increased the size of the power supply I think we should improve the protective plating" She said as she was fidling with said power supply. "You're right. It may be strong, but a well aimed attack could immobilize the entire thing. Some protective plating around other parts could also help" Izuku responded as he worked on several triggering mechanisms for his various gadgets. Izuku then recieved a message. It was Ochako, she asked for help studying for the written exam. "I have to go now. Don't make any modifications that I haven't approved yet" Izuku said as he walked towards the exit of the workshop. "And DON'T blow anything up, again" He said with a strict voice pointing towards Mei. "Relax I won't do anything stupid. It has been three days since I last blew up something" She responded. "I guess that's as good as a promise I'll get" Izuku said and left.

Izuku walked up to the door of Ochako's house and knocked on the door. The house was in one of the poorer parts of the city. It wasn't very big, but it was well kept. It didn't take long before someone could be heards coming towards the door. When the door was opened Izuku was met with Ochako's father. He was pretty tall and seemed well built. He also had light brown hair. "Hi Mr. Uraraka. I'm here to help Ochako with her homework" Izuku said. "I was suspicious when she told me a boy would come, but you seem alright. Come on inn, she is in the living room" The father responded. When Izuku towards the living room he felt like the older man was looking at him with a suspicious look. Before Izuku entered the living room Mr. Uraraka said something "I hope you two behave. Me and my wife will be gone on shopping, don't do anything stupid" He said and left the house.

"Hi Ochako" Izuku said when he entered the living room. "Hi Izuku. I hope my dad wasn't to harsh on you" She said. "No, not at all. I understand them, they are just protective. You should have seen my mom whenever she is worried about anything really" He responded. "Anyways, what did you want help with" "I need some help with my math and english" she said and the two started to study.

After a while they started to get hungry and made some food. "Wow Izuku! I didn't know you were this good at cooking" Ochako said before taking another bite of the katsudon Izuku had made. "My mom learned me how to cook and Katsudon is my favorite, so I learned how to make it" He replied. "Your mother seems like a relly nice person" Ochako commented "Yes she does" Izuku said. "By the way, how is your father? As a person I mean" She asked. "Well, I don't know him. He left when I was four and is working somewhere overseas. He sends us money regulary so that my mother doesn't have to work. My mom doesn't talk about him so I know very little about him" he answered. "Oh. I'm sorry I asked that" ochako said "It's fine. I never knew him anyways. We should probably continue studying" Izuku replied.

It was getting late when Izuku had to leave. Before he walked out he was stopped by Ochako. "Izuku, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being so nice to me" She said holding his shoulder. Izuku turned around and looked back at Ochako. "It's nothing. It's just the right thing to do. And you are one of the nicest and most kind hearted people I have met. You're also the first friend I have had since I was four" he told her. "You're also the first real friend I have had in a while Izuku. I was always bullied at school for being poor and being weak and that I should give up on being a h-" she said, starting to tear up. Izuku then stopped her by embracing her in a hug. "Relax. Don't get caught up in the past. Learn from it, learn from your mistakes and move on. No one has the right to say who can and can't become a hero. Remember I will alway be here for you, as a friend" He said, still embracing her. "Thank you Izuku. And I will always be your friend too" She said. After a moment of comfortable silence the two let go of eachother and Izuku left. One thought was on both of their minds as they parted ways 'I wish we could be more'

A/N: Okay guys. I know I said that we would have the final exams in this chapter, but I got a couple ideas, added them and now there isn't room enough for the final exams. I PROMISE that the next chapter will have the final exams, no way around it. Anyways hope you all have a wonderful day or evening. Goodbye.

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