neoteric {14}

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It wasn't until Trixie got to Katya's building that she started to get nervous. Since she didn't tell Katya ahead of time that she'd be coming over, Trixie had to wait for the security at the front desk to call up and give them permission to unlock Katya's floor. The element of surprise Trixie was relying on vanished.

When she got to Katya's front door, her nerves got the best of her. She began to shake slightly and could already feel tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Katya opened the door. She was wearing the same thing as when she left this morning, her lips still impossibly red.

"Hey baby, you didn't text! Sorry about the holdup, I told them to just let you up whenever you need and I'll give you a key," Katya said, motioning for Trixie to come inside, but she didn't budge. "Are you alright?"

The tears started falling freely then, Katya rushing forward to hold Trixie in her arms for even just a moment. Trixie followed as Katya pulled her inside, leading both of them to the couch. All of the plans Trixie had of what she was going to say had been wiped clean.

"What's wrong?" The concern in Katya's blue eyes was very prevalent.

Trixie took a deep breath and tried to stop the spasms of her diaphragm. "I saw your phone today," she said, but Katya didn't seem to know what she meant. "I know we aren't dating or anything officially. You're allowed to do whatever you want. I'm sure you have girls lined up around the block. I'm just oddly possessive over you, like I want you all to myself all the time."

Katya furrowed her eyebrows. "You're the only person I'm talking to," she said. "What are you talking about?"

"I saw Ginger text you about hanging out after your meeting."

"Oh, Trixie," Katya sighed, taking Trixie's hand in her own.

Trixie held a sob back in her throat. "Who is she?"

Katya refused to make eye contact. Her mind was racing and her heart followed suit.

"I don't wanna be a side piece or a sugar baby," Trixie said, sob still resting in her throat.

Katya squeezed her hand. "That's not what you are- look, it's hard to explain."

"If there's someone else just tell me. I'm not doing that."

Katya paused for a moment, hesitating whether or not to come clean. After weighing the pros and cons she decided she needed to. "Ginger is my sponsor."

Trixie shrugged. "I don't know what that means," she admitted.

Katya took a deep breath. "She's my sponsor, which means she follows my journey of recovery. I'm a drug addict- or, at least I was. I've been sober for a long time, and it's all because of the Narcotics Anonymous meetings I go to every morning. I haven't missed one in years."

Trixie didn't know how to react any other way than with more tears. So she cried, and Katya moved closer to the girl and wrapped her arms around her. She was relieved from being honest, but terrified of what would happen next.

After a few minutes of silence, Trixie calmed down a bit. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice was not accusing, it was genuine curiosity.

Katya sighed. "I'm careful about who I tell. I also didn't want to scare you away."

"Katya," Trixie said. "That doesn't scare me away. I wish I could've known so I could have been more sensitive."

"It's alright," Katya said, smiling. "You've been perfect so far."

The two shared a moment of relief, everything suddenly clicking into place. Katya didn't want to rush things because she wasn't sure of the type of lifestyle Trixie led. Trixie genuinely had no idea about any of Katya struggles or even what NA was, and therefore she wasn't going to be judgmental. She genuinely liked Katya for who she was, and nothing else mattered to her.

"So," Katya said. "As you mentioned earlier, we aren't official or anything."

Trixie smiled as she felt her heart rate increase. She looked deeply into Katya's eyes, feeling safe in them.

"Do you want to be? Like, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Trixie smiled like a child and nodded wildly, leaning over to Katya to embrace her. Katya smiled, too, and wrapped her arms around Trixie, who was now on top of her. They paused for a moment as they looked into each other's eyes, getting lost in the universes they saw.

Then they both started laughing. It was unfiltered and real, Katya's laugh sounding like a wheeze and Trixie's a screech. Every now and again they would calm down and become small giggles, but then one of them would erupt and the other would quickly follow suit. This went on for quite a few minutes, but neither of them minded. They felt like teenagers in love.

Katya caught a glimpse of her watch in the madness. "I have a dinner date with Violet," she said, catching her breath.

Trixie smiled. "Is that my cue to leave?"

Katya nodded and stood up, escorting Trixie to the sitting area closer to the door. "I'll call a car for you."

She was on her phone for a few moments as Trixie straightened out her dress, and the two had a bit of small talk for just a minute. As Katya's phone pinged with a message saying the car was ready, she looked at Trixie one last time.

"Trixie," she sighed.

Trixie turned to look at Katya, who already had a hand on the side of her face and the other on Trixie's waist. Their lips met and electricity sparked throughout the penthouse. The innocence of it faltered for a moment as Katya dug her nails into Trixie's curves, causing her mouth to open and Katya's tongue to slip inside. Passion fluttered through their bloodstreams and pooled in Trixie's stomach and cheeks, making her burn an electric pink.

After a moment Katya pulled away, too soon, and smiled at Trixie who's eyes were filled with need.

"You're adorable, kiska," Katya said, Russian accent front-and-center.

Trixie blushed. "I'll see ya later," she said, a grin plastered on her face.

Katya nodded and watched as Trixie got onto the elevator and disappeared behind closing doors.

It wasn't anywhere near either of their first kisses, but they both noticed that something felt different about it. Call it cliche, but each of them felt something otherworldly. Katya's heart fluttered in a way it never had before. The butterflies in Trixie's stomach flapped their wings to a different rythmn.

Though marching into unknown territory, neither of them minded.

They had one another to light the way.

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