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As soon as Trixie pushed open the door to her shared apartment, she let go. Tears instantly fell from her eyes and landed on her cheeks, circling around the red lips imprinted on her cheeks. She stumbled forward and more into the space to see Alyssa standing there, pouring herself a cup of coffee. 

"Oh, girl, what's wrong?" Alyssa walked up to Trixie and wrapped her arms around her, holding the crying girl in her arms.

"I'm so stupid," Trixie sobbed.

Alyssa couldn't help but chuckle at the comment. She rubbed Trixie's back until she calmed down a bit before both of them sat down on the couch. 

"So what happened," Alyssa asked. 

Trixie took a deep breath. "Last night was so fun, and everything was so perfect. She got out champagne and we just talked about life and stuff, and then we got cuddly watching a movie and fell asleep like that. And this morning she looked so good smoking a cigarette and she made me breakfast," Trixie said, beginning to cry again.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? That sounds so good!"

Trixie threw her head in her hands. "This morning when she went to the bathroom, I saw her phone."

Alyssa shook her head disapprovingly.

"She got a text, and I didn't mean to look, but it was another woman asking if they were still on for their plans today."

"Oh, girl," Alyssa scoffed. "What'd you say to her?"

"Nothing," Trixie admitted. "I pretended I didn't see anything. She acted like nothing had happened."

"Trixie Mattel!" Alyssa's voice was loud, but she wasn't angry. "You need to be honest with this woman. If you're getting this torn up over her texting someone else, then you need to be honest and let her know where your mind's at."

"I know," Trixie said. "I just don't want to scare her away."

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "This woman is insanely rich and very charming. I'm sure if she didn't want to get into anything right now then she would've dropped you, not invited you to stay the night. You're not teenagers anymore; you're adults who need to start acting like it."

Trixie pursed her lips and thought for a moment. Alyssa was right. Of course she was. She was right about Trixie needing to be honest, and about Katya pulling her closer, and about how Katya knows how to deal with people. 

"Okay," Trixie said, defeated. "When should I tell her?"

"There's no time like a present," Alyssa said, standing up and walking towards the door. "I'm headed to the supermarket to get some fruit and such, so I'll be back in a bit. Call me if you need me."

"See ya," Trixie called, now alone in her apartment.

She walked to her bedroom, stopping for a moment to look at herself in the hallway mirror. Had she been wearing makeup, it would've been smudged all the way down her face. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was messy, but the thing that stood out to her the most was the red lipstick on her cheek that had seemingly not been affected by the tears. She lifted a finger to touch it and found it was waxy, meaning the tears just rolled around it. 

Her bedroom was slightly untidy as usual, clothes strewn over  chair and her closet door slid open.  She took a seat at her small vanity, grabbing a makeup wipe to solemnly wipe the lipstick from her cheek. She applied some light makeup to make herself feel better, just putting on some eyeliner, blush, and mascara. 

Then she got up and pulled her record player out from under her bed, putting on her favorite Dolly Parton album.

She took off the clothes Katya had lent her and put them neatly on her bed, grabbing a sundress to wear for the day. It was pink and floral. Look good, feel good, right?

Her phone buzzed. 

Hey, I just got back from everything this morning! Do you want to come over for an early dinner thing?

Trixie didn't text back, she just got her things together and headed towards the door, realizing then that her mascara wasn't waterproof. 

Oh well, she thought. Hope I don't get tears on her Gucci shirt.

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