perception {12}

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Trixie woke up to the sound of the sliding door being opened, unleashing the sounds of the city into Katya's small bedroom. Once she cracked open her eyes she was greeted with the sight of Katya standing, facing away from her, smoke floating above and around her figure. 

She wasn't wearing what she was last night; she had changed into seemingly business attire with a black pencil skirt and a frilly white top. Trixie wondered what luxury brands the pieces were from. 

She got up from bed slowly, leisurely sauntering to the bathroom where she washed her face. When she stepped back into the bedroom, Katya was making the bed and propping up pillows so the whole scene looked like an image in a home magazine.

"Good morning," Katya said sweetly. She had left the sliding door cracked open which allowed for the room to be filled with the smell of cigarettes. 

Trixie smiled at the other woman who already donned her signature red lipstick. "Morning."

"I've made you some breakfast, it's in the kitchen. I have a meeting this morning, so we only have an hour or so until I need to leave."

Trixie frowned. "Alright," she said, following Katya as she left her bedroom and headed toward the kitchen. "What are these meetings about anyway? Why are they always in the morning?"

"The mornings just tend to work the best for me." Katya slightly dodged the question but hoped she hadn't made it too obvious. 

Once the pair reached the kitchen, Trixie saw toast and scrambled eggs resting on two plates on the counter. They sat down beside one another and Trixie told Katya her address so she could be dropped off at home. Thankfully, she didn't have work today.

Once she was finished, Katya excused herself to go use the restroom. She left her phone on the counter.

Trixie didn't mean to look. Katya's phone was the newest model, and Trixie's was old, so all she meant to do was check out the hardware. It wasn't her fault that Katya received a text then or that she had it set to display the messages when her phone wasn't unlocked. 

The name on the screen was Ginger.

Are we still on for today after the meeting? We can do my place if you want or somewhere else. It's up to you. XX

And then Trixie's blood ran cold. Her heart stopped beating and the air was pushed violently out of her lungs. She knew they weren't officially a couple, so could Trixie even really be mad about this? Katya was allowed to do whatever she wanted. Trixie's eyes welled with tears but before she could convince herself it was nothing, she heard the toilet flushing and the water running and then Katya's heels clicking on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Her voice like the crackling of firewood in the winter, it centered Trixie and brought her back to reality.

Trixie nodded. "I'm alright," she said. "Just swallowed wrong." 

Katya smiled and rested a hand on Trixie's shoulder. "You sure, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Trixie said. She wanted to smile and let this prove to her that it was nothing, but the text message appeared each time she blinked. 

But Katya was so warm and endearing. The way she looked at Trixie, especially in that moment, was the way Trixie looked at a pretty dress or her favorite nail polish. It was totally pure and genuine, and in Katya's blue eyes, Trixie felt she was floating. Their gazes met and the last thing Trixie wanted to do was blink and let this moment escape her. Last night was full of moments like this- perfect eternities trapped in a single second or two. 

They talked for a short while longer, Trixie continuing to find herself lost in the skies that Katya's eyes held. Then Katya said it was time to her to head to the meeting. They went to the elevator and walked to the car, Trixie fighting the urge to hold Katya's hand and swing it slightly as they walked. 

Once in the car, Katya spoke again. "Did you have a nice night, detka?"

Trixie nodded. "Hopefully we can do that again sometime."

"Of course," Katya said as she rested a hand on Trixie's thigh. "I won't be able to talk for a little while as I have plans after the meeting, but I'll text you once everything is done and I'm home."

Plans after the meeting. Was she teasing Trixie like this intentionally? Did she get some sort of pleasure for having someone else right under Trixie's nose?

Trixie gritted her teeth and nodded, the feeling of Katya's hand on her leg now making it go numb.

They arrived to Trixie's apartment a sort while later. Katya leaned over in the car to embrace Trixie, pressing a kiss to her cheek.  

Katya smiled as Trixie exited the car. "We'll talk later, okay?" 

"Sure," Trixie said, closing the door more violently than intended and trying desperately to wait until she got to her apartment to cry.

a/n: i'm writing again so that's neat. also gonna start working on another story soon, another high school (approximate age) au!! and also follow my instagram @katyamattl hehe

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