evince {10}

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Katya heard her phone buzz with a text message from her purse. She pulled it out and was delighted to see a message from Trixie.

im sorry for being bratty the other day, i can't wait to hang out again soon :)

Katya grinned at the screen as she was sucked into the perfect pink world Trixie had created for her.

Do you want me to make reservations for dinner tomorrow night? 

She pressed send and turned off her phone, leaving it in her hand. Holding it gave her a sense of being grounded, though she had long since outgrown the anxiety that accompanied her to her meetings. Her phone buzzed right as she stepped out of the car in front of the community center.

yes please ! can we do something around six ?

Katya smiled as she told Trixie she would make reservations for six and would text details later. 

As Katya pushed open the doors to the community center, she saw an unfamiliar face sitting at the reception desk. The woman smiled brightly at her.

Katya smiled back. "I'm here for the Narcotics Anonymous meeting," she said. 

"Do you know where it is?" The woman's voice was cheerful. Katya appreciated the positivity that radiated off of her.

She had been attending the meetings every morning for the past four years. She had missed less than ten in her entire career. "Yes, thank you."

As she walked past the woman and her heels clicked against the linoleum floor, she thought about how far she had come since she hit her lowest point. She internally thanked the meetings for turning her entire life around. 

Her phone buzzed with a message. She looked to see who it was; Trixie. Katya turned off her phone without reading whatever she had said. 

For now, at least, Katya was more than happy keeping Trixie's pink paradise divorced from this. It was pure, and Katya didn't want to ruin that. Not yet, at least.

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