~The sun, the beach, and memories~

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~To be a Princess~

Chapter 16

~The sun, the beach, and memories~

Yuki's POV

With a final tug of the white shoelaces of my blue sports shoes, I was ready for my long trip to the beach. I had decided to wear what I wore the other day but with bike shorts and a sky blue sports cap, since I would be in the sun for most of the time. And I didn't forget to put on sunscreen. SPF 50+. I don't want to have melanoma.

I walked to the kitchen where I opened the cupboard to grab a drink bottle and fill it up with water. I looked up at the clock on the wall. 6 o'clock. I drank a glass of water before grabbing my phone and bottle and walking out to the shed where my bicycle would be.

The shed was made of a dark grey metal and was slightly rusted at the edges. Someone seriously needs to clean this place up! The metal door creaked open as I pushed it softly. The shed was littered with random tools and bits of wood and metal. Everything was covered in dust and adorned with cobwebs.

I looked around for my bicycle, hoping it wouldn't be in too bad of a condition. I was in luck. There, in the corner of the cold dusty shed, was my good old bicycle. No joke it was pretty old. There were cobwebs on the wheels, dust all over the metal and the woven basket out the front was a little tattered. I walked over to it and grabbed the faded pink handle. I pushed it outside, making the wheels clank against some other random objects on the way out.

At last, I escaped the abyss of cobwebs and darkness and my bike saw light for the first time in years.

I jumped up in fright when I spotted a hairy thing in the basket. What the heck is that doing in there???

It was my old teddy bear that I brought along everywhere. Always. The bear was still in a pretty good condition, considering the way it was being kept. It still had the same glassy brown eyes and the once fluffy light brown fur. Just looking at it made me feel better.

I remember crying to sleep when father took all my toys away. All things cute, fluffy and pink were all thrown away and replaced by plain boring beige colours. It was a sad day for me. I just added to the sorrow of that other day.

Lucky it was in the bike! Otherwise it would be gone. Just like everything else.

I picked the bear up tenderly and hugged it to my chest even though it was covered in dust and other unknown matter. Although I was only holding it for a few seconds, it made me feel lighthearted. Like I had been given a piece of my childhood back.

I decided just to air it out a bit and flapped it around, patting it softly. With each pat, a drizzle of dust fell of the surface of the bear and down to the ground like rain.

Once it was clean, I lifted it up over my head pretending that it was waving at me. It made my smile grow slightly. It was all clean now. Just like the old times.

Then I recalled the reason I went in the shed. To get my bike and ride to The beach. I put the bear under my arm and pushed the dirty bike towards the garden hose. I gave the bike a spray to get rid of all the dust and cobwebs. After that I just gave it a drying off with a small scrap of material. Meh... It's good enough.

When the bike was all dry, I pushed my bike out to the gate. I put my drink bottle, phone and bear into the front basket and hopped onto the bike. I took a few deep breaths with my eyes closed, trying to calm myself before I went off on my long trip. When I was completely calm, I opened my eyes determinedly and rode down the road at a fast pace.

The wind made my hair fly back behind me like a mass of streamers. I knew I should've brought glasses. Without them I had to squint my eyes because of the wind. The scenery slowly started to change as the sun rose higher into the sky making the once peachy sky morph into a clear blue sky.

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