Camping Part 5

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     The group started to play truth or dare. It was good and not too harsh in the beginning. As time went on the dares became harder and the truths became more personal. "Okay... Todoroki. Truth or dare?" Ashido asks.

"Dare." Todoroki says plainly.

"I dare you, to sit in your boxers for five rounds." Ashido says smirking. Everyone laughs. Todoroki takes off his shirt first and some of the girl blush heavily. He then sits back down and the night grew heavier. "Okay, now Todoroki, your turn to ask someone a question." Ashido says.

"Truth or dare, Yaoyorozu?" Todoroki say's plainly.

"Truth" Yaoyorozu answers. "Have you ever wanted to make-out with anyone in this circle?" mouths drop and giggles fly after that question.

"Yes. I will not say who it is though." Everyone gasps or make's "oh" sounds. "Midoriya, Truth or dare?"

Izuku's P.O.V

I hear Yaoyorozu ask me a question and I decided to do a dare. "Dare." people looked at me shocked some encourage me. It pissed me off that people think I'm not much of a risk taker but Its better that way I guess. It got me thinking though... I have been so sad and I was faking it. I was even faking it now and I didn't even realize until now! "I dare you to kiss someone passionately. That someone will be..." she stops and I say, "Oh god..." out loud and everyone hears me some people laugh. I roll my eyes and shake my head. What she says next made my blood run cold.

"Bakugou" everyone gasps. When I say gasp, I mean gasp. Some mouths drop while others are laughing. "Can you repeat that?" I say and I was so close to laughing myself.

"I want you to make out with Bakugou. You can stop once the next person complete's their truth or dare. If anyone decides to not comp-lete any of these they are taken out of the game but they have to eat the hottest pepper with eight spoon fulls of mustard." my mouth drops and my heart rate increases. I was on the verge of having a panic attack. I think Kacchan noticed because he then said, "Okay seriously guys? If he doesn't want to do it he shouldn't be forced to eat a dumb pepper with amazing mustard."

"A dare is a dare." Ashido states. I get up and walk over to Kacchan. I sit next to him and he yells. "DON'T WATCH EXTRAS!" everyone turns away and I'm thankful. Kacchan was sitting alone on a log because Kirishima moved over and sat very close to Kaminari. I look around and I notice no one is watching except some glances from Todoroki, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu obviously just checking to see if I complete the dare. Kacchan starts blushing and I blush harshly.

"Calm down nerd it's just a dare." I remember those words because I know he wanted to win. The next person was being asked a question and I close my eyes and lean forward. I felt his lips on mine and it was everything and more. Considering this was my first kiss, it was actually really nice. He was really gentle and I totally didn't expect him to be so.... kind. He seemed to care and this made me feel good. I got lost in the moment until Yaoyorozu cuts in. "Okay you completed the dare." we stop immediately and I didn't know if I should move back to my spot or not. Though, when I look over, Kirishima took it and I give him a look and he looks at me smirking. I mouth screw you and he laughs. We do some more truth or dares until it was one in the morning and some players already fell asleep.

I don't have trouble falling asleep but lately I have been. Every time I close my eyes I see that villain's face. He completed his one last goal and it was to haunt me when I close my eyes. The last scenario he gave me was a blast to the past. It makes me self conscious and I can't help but think off all the bad things that could happen in the future just because of me. I think about the kiss I had with my crush Kacchan. My heart races and I remember the soft gentle kisses he planted on my lips. I was enjoying it but I think he was too. I wouldn't want to read into it because I doubt he likes me in that way. We have gotten a little more comfortable around each other though. He hasn't been as mean and he actually took care of me when I was in pain.

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