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The ship is Nick+Jamie and it's during the first tour when Nick joined the band. Also ignore the British slang I'm tryna be cool😎

Jamie's pov

We were in the tour bus after the second show of the wpsiatwin tour. Andy had left the band before the tour so we needed someone to play bass for us. And that's how Nick joined the band. He learned all the chords really fast, it impressed me. None of us knew him really well, he's quite shy, but seemed super nice. I really wanted to become friends with him.

So I walked from my bunk bed where I was sat, to the lounge room to see if he was there. But when I came into the room I only saw Matt and Alex with beers in their hands laughing at something apparently really funny. He couldn't be sleeping yet right?, the clock was only 10:30pm. Before I could think further Alex interrupted me, making me lose my train of thought.
"Oi Jamehhhh have a beer ye?" he pointed at an unopened can on the table in front of the sofa.
"alright," I said walking to my bandmates and opening the beer adding "where's Nick?".
"Said he was gonna call someone, been away for a while now," Matt said.
"I'll go search for him...gotta talk to him about uh- bass stuff."
"If you didn't wanna talk to us you could've just said so" Alex rolled his eyes, he must be drunk.
"Alex, he's new to the band, I just wanna check up on him to see if everything's alright, so piss off" I walked towards the bunks again, not wanting to listen to Alex's drunk whining anymore.

I felt like a total creep when I stopped by Nick's bunk bed and listened for any signs of a certain Nick O'Malley. To my surprise I didn't hear snores, but faint singing from the bathroom. He must be showering. God, his voice is angelic, why doesn't he sing in the band too? I just stood there and creepily listened to him singing "Toxic" by Britney Spears until I heard the shower turning off. I sat down on my bed and pretended to be on my phone so it wouldn't look weird when he came out of the bathroom.

He came out dressed in a green tee and jeans, same outfit he wore on the concert earlier. He didn't even notice I was sat just a few meters away from him, 'cause the towel he desperately tried to dry his short, curly hair with covered his face.

After a short while he gave up with a loud sigh which made me laugh.
"What the fuck Jamie, you scared the living shit out of me!" Nick shouted, holding a hand on his chest.
"Sorry, didn't know your shit was alive, want a beer?" I said, holding my beer towards him.
He angrily grabbed the beer from my hand and took a sip of it. "How much do we have left?"
"Left of what?" I said, confused.
"Left until we're at the hotel, what else?" Nick said sassily.
"oh, I dunno, ask Alex. They're still on the sofa I believe."
"hm, no I'll just stay here, I think there's not much left". I hummed in response while he sat down on his own bed opposite of mine.

"What's your favourite song to play, Jamie?", he had said out of nowhere. We had been talking for a little while now.
"That's such a random question Nick"
He shrugged and looked down. "Mine is a certain romance, just thought it would be fun to know...I'm new and all."
I thought for a few seconds before I answered "probably I bet you look good on the dancefloor."
He looked up and smiled at me. "You're such a basic bitch Jamie, did you know that?"
"Hey, stop the bullying! You weren't even in the band when we made that song."
"Wanker." Nick said under his breath, trying his best to hold back a smile. Then he walked into the lounge room, leaving me alone without my beer.

I was on my phone for a while before the bus made a turn and then stopped, 'we must be at the hotel' I thought. I grabbed my cigs and headed to the door.
"Wait Jamie I'll join you" Nick said from the other side of the room "I'll just go get mine"
"Just take one of mine" I said, waiting for him to come over before handing him a cig and walking out of the door with him close behind.

"Thanks" Nick says with the cigarette between his lips. I lighted my own and smiled at him as a 'you're welcome'.
He searched for his lighter and soon frowned. But before he could say anything I stretched out my hand and lit it for him. He looked up at me while I lighted it, then quickly looked down, blushing.
"T-thank you, again." He said quietly, playing with a stone under his shoe. I couldn't help but smile.
"You don't have to thank m-" I got interrupted by Alex very loudly singing dancing queen by ABBA, nearly falling over when he exited the bus. Nick started giggling which made me smile yet again, but I rolled my eyes at Alex knowing I would be the one to taking care of his drunk ass later.

I watched him trying to piggy back Matt on our short walk to the hotel, which resulted in Matt (who also was tipsy but much less than Alex) dropping him 3 times. Nick walked next to me the whole time. We were almost at the hotel when he quietly said "Jamie?.."
"Yeah?" I said, meeting his greenish eyes with my bright blue.
"You aren't a wanker." We both smiled at each other, walking into the hotel lobby.

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