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Raelyn's POV

I looked at the fresh new set of nails on my fingers. They were all white, not too long with a square cut. My eyes focused on the little sparkles of gold glitter designing them. I was out this afternoon with the girls and we just stopped somewhere to eat lunch.

Even throughout our mani-Pedi's, my mind went back to reflect on what happened this morning. It wouldn't have been the first time I woke up screaming from a flashback I had in my dream, but I vomited for no apparent reason.

I had symptoms of a cold right after and Stefano even suggested I was getting sick.

"You've been very quiet Rae, what's wrong?" Gigi asked me. I blinked repeatedly and shifted my eyes between Gigi and Caterina.

I gave them both a reassuring smile and shook my head. "Nothing, I'm just savoring the moment with my girls." I said, partially lying. I lied a lot these days about my true feelings.
Caterina chuckled and poked Gigi. "Oh leave her alone, Gigi." Caterina said.

We laughed and Gigi shrugged her shoulders.

"Anyway, when are you going to tell us about your new boo? Me and Rae suspect you're hiding something or someone from us." Gigi said, changing the subject before giving me a quick side-eye.

Caterina's eyebrows raised in surprise after being called out. She then put her hands in-front of her for defense. "Okay, okay fine. I met this guy named Diego while I was in Murcia, Spain. The first time I heard him speak, I fell in love! I'll stop there." She said and giggled.

Gigi wiggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but grin at Caterina's confession. "Oooh..." I teased her.

"Can he speak English?" Gigi asked her. Caterina threw her head back as she laughed.

"No and I like it that way!" She answered without a care in the world. We all laughed in response and her and Gigi high-fives.
"Are you serious about him?" I asked, sitting up as the conversation became more interesting.

"I'm just going with the flow. We Skype every morning, though. I think he's obsessed with me, now that I think about it." Caterina said, making a thinking face.

"You gotta be careful Cat, he might be crazy." Gigi said in a slight warning but playful tone.

You will be mine, Rae.

I began to hear Vincent's voice in my head. A cold shiver crawled down my spine. I remember running from him, shooting him, my hands trembling after I watched him drop dead.

"Rae?" Caterina asked. Gigi and her both watched me with concern in their eyes.
"I'll be back." I said quickly, getting up and taking my purse with me to the restroom. I hoped they didn't catch the wavering in my voice.

I just needed space to recollect my thoughts from what just flashed in my mind. Opening the door to the empty restroom and open stalls, I sighed in relief. I gripped the counter of the sink at the far right and looked at myself in the mirror.

I've been more emotional lately and I could feel it.

"Non sto bene, I'm not alright." I blurted, lowering my head as my eyes started watering. A sudden twinge of nausea hit me and I stood there for what seemed like three minutes before I felt stable again.

I recognized these symptoms and I was beginning to doubt I had a cold. It was now afternoon and I wasn't experiencing any cold symptoms. I bit my lip at the thought I might be pregnant.

I haven't been on my pills for a long time. Since my abduction I've been too forgetful these days to even remember to swallow a pill. If I am pregnant, that could change things. In fact, deep down inside now that I think about it, I know there could be a possibility of me not being pregnant for Stefano.

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