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Raelyn's POV

The next afternoon, I was at the restaurant working as manger again. I've been working here on and off since I had Romano. Speaking of him, he was currently gripping my dress and hiding behind me as the customers tried to greet him and I as we maneuvered around the place.

I bent down to Romano's level. "Mama..." he pouted. I could tell he didn't like being in a place so crowded with faces
he didn't recognize. "Uncle Alessio is sitting there, go sit with him. I'll bring you some food to eat." I said pointing to the direction in the back where Alessio was scrolling through his phone.

Alessio and his wife just had a baby girl last month and if I knew anything, he was probably looking at pictures of his daughter at this moment. He had a family of his own so he knew how it was. I hoped he didn't mind Romano chatting it up. Romano made me walk him towards Alessio and after, I knew I would be able to function and work quickly.

Turning to go to my office, I saw a familiar stature and face sitting at a table near the entrance. The scruffy black hair and black biker jacket screamed that this was the same man from yesterday that I bumped into at the place Gigi and I went for lunch. He took out a notepad from his bag and began to write or draw, I couldn't tell.

"Small world." I said.

Going up and down the restaurant, I received many compliments from many frequent customers from the past. They told me how beautiful I am, how delicate I appeared, and how Stefano made made a good choice in picking me as a wife.

It all felt fake to me and I remembered why I've been away from the business for so long.

That evening, Gigi and Marcelo came over. I forgot that Gigi and I talked about Romano and Marcelo's sleepover today. Currently Romano and Marcelo were fighting over an action figure and Gigi was trying to settle the dispute, making me laugh. Stefano entered the kitchen and I watched as he kept his eyes glued on little Marcelo. I've always noticed the way he eyed that boy.

"You always look at Marcello with that gaze...all you see is Adriano and how he betrayed you." I said thinking I read his mind. Stefano gave me a side glance. "Yes, you're correct. He's a spitting image. I almost want Romano to be careful when he's around him." He said making me laugh. "He's just a kid." I defended him.

I watched Stefano pour a glass of wine for himself. "I feel for him that he doesn't have a father. Just like his grandfather did for me, I'll be the one to take him under my wing." Stefano said all of a sudden.

I walked behind him slid my hand down his back.
"That's sweet."

I've always known Stefano to be a caring and attentive man and those are a few of the qualities I admire about him.

Stefano's phone buzzed and he sat the glass down as he looked at his phone screen. He gave me a look before telling me he needed to take the call.

Stefano's Point of View

"Enrico, what is it? Can't you just send me the report?" I asked him slightly annoyed. He knew during evenings not to call me about work. I valued spending time with my family after being away the whole day.

"As we speak I'm sending you the report. We have a problem and I had to ring you." He explained himself. "Go on." I leaned against the wall to anticipate any angle of news.

"Our leader at headquarters, Ricco Rossi,  has been murdered."
"Shit..." I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes.

"What's his condition?" I asked. His neck was slit through and it seemed he choked on his blood of course. He also has severe stab wounds and get this, there's the letter, W, engraved into his side with what had to be a knife." Enrico reported.

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