Chapter Fifty: Times Up

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It was midnight and everyone had stopped to rest. Henrik kept fidgeting and checking his watch and Marvin was mumbling to himself, his leg bouncing with impatience. I was the only one who was at least trying to keep my nerves at bay.

"Enough. I can't just stand here. We all know the demon might be back soon!" Marvin was the first one to break the silence, throwing the stick he used to poke the fire, to the ground. "I'm sorry.. but I can't just sit here, protecting someone I didn't ask to die for!"

Hands shaking, I stood from my place on the ground. "If you want to leave.. just go. I never asked you to risk your life trying to help me.." I then pointed to him, masking the slight pain that I felt from his words. "You can leave right now. Never look back. Take Henrik with you."

"I'm not leaving you behind, Jack! You are important to me. You are a priority. You always have been." Henrik spoke, his voice shaking. "If you die.. We die too."

My eyes widened, my lips parting slightly. "What do you mean..?" He didn't respond, his head down and his fists clenched by his sides. I grabbed his shoulders. "Schneep! What do you mean by that?!"

Just as I was about to yell again, a large shadow swept over us, the demon we'd met before landing right in front of us. It's blackened wings unfurled, smokey tendrils licking at us like hungry dogs. The demon chuckled. "Erehw si ruoy nomed won, naeS?! YB THGINDIM! Uoy od ton netsil~ WON UOY LLIW YAP!"

I covered my ears, my top lip lifting into a silent snarl. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU! NONE OF US DO! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! I'm not like you.."

The demon suddenly grew a twisted smile, his eyes glowing. "Ti smees eno fo uoy lliw yarteb eht retho~!"

Someone pulled me back, a sharp point stabbing into the side of my neck. I could feel their hot breath on me as they laughed. "He vill feel freedom again. And you cannot stop me." Henrik's hand gripped my side harshly, making my head jerk back in surprise.

"You're very jumpy.. you know. Making it easy for me to just.." He paused, sinking the needle into my neck as far as it'll go, making me hiss. "Don't vorry.. it'll all be over soon~" Henrik injected the substance into me, keeping me tightly to his chest so I wouldn't move. "Stay still." He commanded.

My entire body felt like it was on fire as I could feel something.. or someone.. stir inside of me. "ARUGHH!" I screamed, my head tilting back and resting on Henrik's shoulder as more pain rocketed through me. "STOP! LET ME GO!"

I finally started to struggle, weakly trying to get Henrik off of me, my vision blurring. "How.." I trailed off, feeling faint. "How could you.. do this... to me.."

"Simple, really~ I vill always put true blood above all else." Henrik finally released me, gently placing me on the ground. "Now sleep, Sean. Sleep.."

I kept my eyes wide open, but my consciousness slipped from my grasp, willing me to do as I was told. Sleep.

-Anti's POV-

I stood, my eyes taking on their true ebony color, the iris' a dark green. "Finally free to stretch my legs again~ good work, my brother." I grinned slightly, patting his shoulder once. Fool. He thinks I truly care about him. They're ALL my pawns. Just like Sean.

Henrik smiled slightly, his eyes, unlike mine, completely black. I had taken over his entire being once before.. he's now bound to me by soul. He can't control it. Not anymore.

"HGUONE KLAT! UOY LLIW EID YADOT, ITNA!" The demon known as Lleiak in demon laguage spat, his yellowing teeth barred at me with enough venom to kill a giant.

I let out a dry chuckle, pointing my knife at him. "Bring it, Kaiell! There's enough of me to go around!" My spirit had been broken while I was away, but now that I'm out again, my voice doesn't glitch like before.


I growled deeply, hating the word. Impure. That's what I was considered for taking on my human form for so many years. The human form that was stolen from me by Sean. He may wear my face.. but he will never be me. "ENOUGH TALK, DEMON! FACE ME AND DIE A WEAKLING!"

The demon dropped from the sky again, landing with grace. "Rethona ekatsim edam yb eht erupmi! Ti tonw eb em taht seid yadot!" He extended his claws, slashing at me with an intense hatred in his eyes.

I jumped back, taunting him. "Is that all you've got, KAIELL?!"

"UOY OD TON EVAH EHT THGIR OT KAEPS YM EURT EMAN!" He suddenly lurched forward, his wing crashing into my side and throwing me into a tree. "I MA TON SA KAEW SA I SAW EROFEB, ITNA! UOY LLIW TON NIW!"

I shakily got to my feet, holding myself up on the tree I was thrown into. "You've awakened the beat now, Kaiell. Mercy will not knock at your door a second time. Enough games." I ran toward him, shoving him into the ground with my full weight.

With my knife drawn, I looked down at him, my dark green hair being matted to my forehead. "It seems fortune doesn't favor the brave. Nor the stupid. What makes it even worse.. is that there's no return for you. You're just another lost soul who feeds lies to our people."

I narrowed my eyes. "You think our people can take over a world and maintain the beauty it had before we ruined it? No. We aren't meant to grasp beauty. Only destroy it. Say your peace before my blade sends you back to Hell."


I let out a rage filled scream, grasping my knife with both hands and hovering it over his heart. "LL'I YOJNE GNINNIKS UOY, LLEIAK!" I plunged the knife through him, anger completely taking over any rationality I had left.

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