Chapter Twenty-Nine: Mercy

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The guards circled us as we stood back to back, watching their movements as they watch ours. They're whispering to each other, probably noting our weak points as we note theirs. Why haven't they made a move yet?

 I mean, there's obviously more of them then there is of us.. I could feel Mark tense up as he suppressed the urge to cough.  I doubt he could see my sign language from here so I just nudged him. 

"I-I'm fine! Just keep-" His sentence was cut off by a violent coughing fit. One of the six guards ran at Mark and tackled him to the ground while he was distracted. My eyes widened as another one advanced toward me as well, taking my attention off of Marks struggling. 

Come on Mcloughlin, think.. Think! Wait.. where are the other four? Hands latch around my arms to hold me back as a pale woman stands in front of me, smirking as her taser flickers angrily. 

My eyes wander over to Mark, still struggling with the man on top of him. I thought he might have subdued the man by now.. I guess the coughing wore him out. My thoughts get interrupted as the woman's taser gets way too close for comfort. 

I struggle against the two behind me and she chuckles a bit. "You know how long I been wantin' to do this?" 'This' comes out as 'dis' and 'you' comes out as 'ye'. Her voice is oddly deep for a girl, but I don't question it. 

She snaps her fingers in front of my face and I scowl at her, resisting the pull of my captors. "You know how long I been here? My kid is kept here too you know." They keep kids here? Holy shite. "We can't leave this place," She gestures around the room.

"Until they're done with you." 

She raised her taser, the blue light illuminating her smirking face. "But while we're stuck here," Her face contorted in anger. "Might as well have some fun.." She moved the taser away from her face and toward me, making me struggle more.

Not a-fucking-gain.. She jabs me with her taser and my leg jerks upward, knocking the thing from her hands as I let out a small, unnoticeable yelp. "You bitch!" She balls her left hand into a fist and punches me in the face.

My head lolls to the side, crimson blood oozing its way out of my mouth and dribbling down my chin. She lets out a growl, well not really a growl.. more like an attempt at growling, and grabs my chin in her hand, jerking my face back up to meet her cold stare.

Her cheeks are dusted pink, she's probably embarrassed at not being able to growl. I chuckle dryly and her eyebrows rise in surprise. "What's so funny, Se-" I cut her off with a growl of my own, kicking her backward. 

When will they learn? They think it's a joke, calling me by my real name.

"What the fu-" I send the guard holding my right arm into the far wall. The left one starts to panic, holding both of my arms and calling for assistance. "Greta! I can't hold him for-" I jerk my head back, hitting him in the nose. 

"Ah, fuck!" He temporarily lets go of my arms to hold his now bleeding nose. I turn to face him and push him down, cracking my boot against his face and making him pass out. I look over to the guard who was holding my right arm.

His limbs were sprawled out and his eyes were shut tight. I must have knocked him out when I shoved him back, not by my shove, but by his head making contact with the wall. I looked back over to who I assume to be Greta. 

She's currently struggling to get to her feet, holding where I kicked her and wincing every so often. Is she seriously JUST getting up? I mean what the hell.. Shoving these assholes back took a good minute or two. 

I grabbed her taser in my hands, nearing her frightened form. "W-Wait! I have kids.." I scoffed and put the baton under my arm to respond. "You said you have a child, not two. Fucking liar." She look questioningly at my hands before holding out her own hand to try and stop me.

I must have looked crazy to her. Walking agonizingly slow with a scowl plastered on my face and a psychotic glint in my eyes. -Maybe. I don't really know. 

She backed up into a wall and slid down it, bringing her knees up to her chest and sobbing into them. I stopped a few inches from her and squatted beside her, looking at the baton with increasing interest. It has voltage settings.

She looked up from her knees, eyeing the baton before making a grab for it. I jerked back just in time, her fingers scraping against it. I scowl at her and look down at the colorful gauge of green yellow and red.

I raise an eyebrow at her and crank it up into the red area, making it click every time I did. I looked back up at her and as soon as she saw what I'd set it to, her face paled. "N-No please, I have a kid. Her name's Addy! Please, no! Not my kid.." I rolled my eyes.

I turned it back down to just above the green area, calming her down immediately. "Oh my god! Thank you, thank you so much!" Is the last thing she said before I zapped her, making her form jerk. Her half lidded eyes shut immediately after that and her body stopped shaking.

I turned back, remembering Mark. Mark was being cornered by two of them while he held one of them in a headlock. 

I was about to run at them when I tripped and landed on my hands and knees. Someone's hand had grabbed my ankle. I desperately grabbed at the hand but it wouldn't budge. I kicked at my captor, hearing a satisfying crack.

 They screamed in pain, releasing me. "Not a-fucking-gain!" I guess I didn't knock that one out like I'd originally thought. I scrambled to my feet, grabbing my taser that I dropped and jabbing at one of them blindly with my eyes closed. 

Someone screamed in pain and I opened one eye just in time to see a woman drop to her knees and cry out before falling face-first into the floor, passed out. The only one left turned to look at me as I raised an amused eyebrow, swinging around my new -fuckin' boss as hell- weapon.

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