Chapter Thirty-Seven: Voting

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The creature that I know as Marzia leapt at the nearest person to her, tearing into their arm and earning a blood curdling scream. "FUCK! Why is it always me?!" Dark pushed her off of him, crawling back before she had time to slash at him.

Blank stared at Marzia in horror as she momentarily forgot about us and started to chase her entrails rather slowly. "What IS that thing?!" While Blank was disgusted by the scene in front of him, Felix was staring at her intensely.

"FeLiX?" He seemed to snap out of his trance and looked over at me, clicking his tongue and pointing to this monster. "That THING.. was human. Like us. We can't kill her can we?" I tilted my head at him. "What do you mean her?"

"I just.. I don't know. I just feel like this thing is a girl." He shrugged, watching as it's melted and grotesque ears perked at his words. Marzia growled at him, circling him like predator to prey. He tried to step back but ended up stepping on her small intestine, earning a shriek from her.

She bit his leg, sending him to his knees. He screamed in pain, holding his ankle to stop the bleeding. She slapped his hand away, pushing him onto his back. He stayed there, frozen in fear as the others watched helplessly.

She crawled onto him, staring him right in the eyes. She smiled giddily, showing the flesh stuck in her teeth. He suddenly gasped, looking at her with a gaping mouth. Tears threatened to spill as he looked into her eyes. "M-Marzia? I-Is that y-you?"

She frowned, lifting one of her clawed hands to caress his cheek. She accidently slashed him, making him hiss in pain. Three thin lines of blood appeared moments later and she jerked back, startled at what she'd done.

She whimpered, crawling off of him so he could get up. He tried to stand, forgetting about his ankle and falling again. I ripped a sleeve off of my long sleeved shirt, wrapping it above his ankle to stop the bleeding. "We need bandages. -And fast." I nodded at Tyler, agreeing.

"Screw the bandages! Did you just made contact with that thing?!"

Felix glared at Dark, puffing out his chest and limping over to him. He stood inches away from him, jabbing him in the chest. "Don't talk about her that way. Or else." Dark scowled, bumping chests with him. "Or what, pretty boy? What is a scrawny weakling like you gonna do?"

I pushed Dark back and glared at him. "DOn'T tOuCh HiM. We DoN't NeEd AnOtHeR dEaD bOdY tO cLeAn Up." He hesitated before nodding, fixing his suit. "Hey! That's not what would happe-" I shushed him, putting both of my hands on his shoulder.

"ArE yOu iNdEsTrUcTiBlE?"


"ArE yOu A sUpErHuMaN?"


"ArE yOu EvEn ReMoTeLy SpEcIaL iN aNy WaY, sHaPe Or FoRm?"

"No but-!"

"ThEn ShUt ThE fUcK uP aNd StArT wAlKiNg." He huffed and pulled away from my intense gaze and grasp, mumbling incoherent words. Some of which I could make out. Words like 'Zero' and 'Death' caught my attention and I chuckled.

"Wait.. what do we do with the hag?" Felix was about to say something but he clamped his mouth shut, deciding against it. Blank offered his shoulder to Felix and Felix gratefully took it, silently nodding. "Blank looked over to me and then down at my wound.

"So that leaves either Tyler or Dark to help Jack." Dark held up his left arm which was heavily bleeding through his suit, a chunk taken out of it. "I can't. -And even if I could I wouldn't. -And you didn't answer my question." I glared at him and he shrugged.

"Then that leaves.." Blank looked over at Tyler sympathetically, ignoring Dark. "Me. Alright." He bit his bottom lip, walking over to me. "How is Jack suppose to put his arm around a giant? He's smaller than the average male."

"HeY! I'm 5'9!" Dark was about to retort when he doubled over in pain, gripping his black hair in his hands and screaming bloody murder. His breathing grew heavy and he held the wall for support. "We have to-" He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw, preventing another scream from escaping. 

"K-Keep going.."

I nodded in agreement, letting Tyler take my arm and wrap it around his shoulders to support me. "Alright, we're good. We should move." Felix cleared his throat, crossing his arms and glaring daggers at everyone.

"Aren't you all forgetting someone?" Dark laughed airily and he pointed to the monster on the floor, watching us all intensely. His expression suddenly turned serious. "We're not taking that thing with us. It doesn't matter if she was the only girl who would give your bad pickup lines the time of day."

"That monster died. She was meant to stay dead. I say we kill her." 

"Okay then.. I say we vote." Felix smiled triumphantly at Dark and he scowled, shaking his head. "A vote. Perfect. Everyone gang up on me and disagree. I know it's going to happen." He waved his hand at all of us, grumbling. 

"ThAt'S bEcAuSe YoU'rE aN aSsHoLe." He growled at me as I smiled innocently. That's when Felix spoke up again. "All in favor for Marzia to stay?" Blank and Felix raised their hands. Dark raised an eyebrow, smirking at me. I shrugged.

"All in favor to kil-" Felix cut Dark off. "All in favor to leave her behind?" Dark raised his hand and so did Tyler. I looked between Felix and Dark as they shot each other dirty looks. "It's a tie then." 

I've never wanted to kill Tyler more than this moment as he said, "Wait a minute- Jack didn't vote." Dark and Felix turned their death glares onto me and I took a step back, my hands raised defensively. "Leave or stay, which is it Jackieboy?"

I rolled my eyes at Darks nickname. "I.." I sighed, straightening up. "ThAt'S kInDa uP tA fElIx. It'S hIs GiRlFrIeNd.." Felix smiled at me. "Thanks, man. I knew I could count on you." He grabbed Marzia's clawed hand and we continued on again until Dark whispered something that only I could hear.

"If he knew what I know.. He wouldn't be thanking you."

"He'd try to kill you."

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