Chapter Forty-Six: Another Stranger

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I woke up with a start, shivering. The temperature had dropped.. but I had a blanket over me? "Hello?" I called out into the darkness of my room, the lamp long forgotten. "Is anyone there?" I know.. Cliche horror movie question.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I froze, looking sideways. The figure was cloaked, his head tilted as he looked at me with curiosity. The stranger spoke, his voice shrill.. and German. "Are you one of zhem?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at his question, outrageously confused. "One of- One of who? What's going on?" The stranger tsked, holding out his hand. "I am Henrik. But you may call me Schneep." I took his hand cautiously shaking it.

"I-I'm.. Jack. Nice to.. have you break into my house and put a blanket over me as you watch me sleep.." As soon as those words left my mouth I felt a pang in the back of my head and then a stinging pain. I held my hand to the back of my head, whimpering slightly.

I looked up at him, resting my hand at my side. "Where'd you come from..? I thought everyone outside was dead. The man I met before-" Schneep cut me off, shifting. "Vhat man? Vhat did he look like?" I shrugged at his question. "That's the thing.. I don't know. He wore a cloak.."

"Like you." Schneep nodded, his shoulders relaxing as the tension left his body. "Do you at least know vhere he vent? Vhich direction?" I shook my head slowly as to avoid the stinging pain again. "I don't know. He shut the door before anyone could question him further.."

"I see. Are you alone? Do you have anyvone vith you?" I shrugged again. "They all left.. I-" I cut myself off sighing. "It was my fault that they left.. I said some pretty mean shite." Schneep nodded, folding his hands behind his head.

"Vould you like to accompany me? Maybe ve vill find your group." I sat up at his request, even more confused than I was before. "But why would you do that? You don't know me.. I don't know you. How do you know I won't.. say.. stab you in the back?"

Schneep laughed, his shoulders shaking. "You know me more zhan you zhink you do, Jack. In due time you'll see.. zhat ve are exactly alike." Before I could question him about why he was being so weird and cryptic, he took my hand, pulling me out of bed.

"-But right now.. Ve have to leave zhis place. You did know zhat demons have been scoping zhis place out for veeks, right?" He opened my brothers bedroom door, shutting it behind us as we went. "No.. I didn't. It's-" I stopped myself before I could give to much away to a stranger.

"It looked like a peaceful place." Schneep looked back at me. I couldn't exactly tell his facial expression but I figured he was curious as to why I stopped halfway into my sentence. "Yes.. peaceful. Anyvay, ve must hurry before zhey get any bright ideas.."

"Not zhat any of zhe demons are bright." He stopped for a moment, tapping his scruffy chin. "Although.. I haven't opened one up to find out.. yet." I gawked at him, shock evident on my face. "...Opened one up? Yet?" He nodded. "I am a scientist! I dissect zhings and examine.."

"Basically find out vhat makes zhem tick." He walked down my stairs, turning right. I furrowed my brows. "You seem more like a doctor to me.. Not a scientist." He looked back at me again, opening up the door to my house. "Vhat makes you say zhat?"

I thought for a moment. "Well.. you put a blanket over me while I was sleeping.. -And you're helping me find my group.. even though it might be out of your way. I'd say you'd make a great doctor." I could tell he was smiling as he shut the door behind us.

"A doctor.." He trailed off, looking left and then right before heading toward the forest. "I vill take zhat into consideration!" I smiled slightly.. happy that I helped someone. "Hey.. where are we going?" He looked back at me again. "Ve are going to my camp.. vell, our camp."

"My friend, Marvin, vill be zhere." He stopped for a moment. "Oh.. and don't be startled by his cat mask.. he likes vearing it.. all zhe time." I nodded as we continued on.


It took a good hour and a half to get to near his camp and it was already nightfall. The glow of the campfire in the distance and the smell of food made my stomach grumble. Schneep laughed, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "Hungry are ve?"

I nodded sheepishly, my face flushed. "Yeah.. it's been almost twenty-four hours without food. The last time I ate was when my group was here." Schneep nodded understandingly at my words as we got closer to the warm light.

"Ve are almost zhere." We stepped into a clearing and I marveled at the scenery. The stars twinkled down on us as the mix of pine and food filled my senses. I breathed in deeply, missing the forests peaceful atmosphere and scent.

"I missed this place. I remember me and my brother used to take walks in these woods." Schneep stopped again. "In zhese woods? Vhen?" I stopped too, staring at him. "Back when I was little.. before all these.. creatures.. destroyed everything."

"I'm just glad the forest is still intact." Schneep nodded as we continued on again. "So zhat vas your house back zhere?" As soon as those words left his mouth my stomach dropped. "U-Uh.. did I say that? That's not what I-"

"I know vhat you meant. I'm not stupid. -But you can trust me. -And Marvin. Ve won't hurt you." I sighed at his words, stretching my limbs as the campfire came into view. "Yeah.. I've heard that before. But no one ever means it.." I mumbled.

"Vhat vas zhat?" I shook my head, plastering a smile on my face. "Nothing.."

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