Chapter Twenty-Two: Memories

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I sat beside Mark this time seeing as we're going to be spending a lot of time together. He turned toward me with a smile and gave me a side hug. "So, I heard I'll be getting a new roommate!" Phil, Felix, Tyler and Ethan all looked up from their food. 

"Huh?" Felix gave him a questioning look and Mark avoided eye contact with him. "I wonder who it could be.." Ethan piped up, smiling at the both of us.

Mark turned to me and his smile widened. "So, roomie. How was your day..?" He dragged out the last part, earning a chuckle from Tyler. I shrugged and pulled his arm -that was currently slung around my shoulder- off. He let out a small laugh at my grumpiness and went back to eating his pizza. 

My stomach growled furiously and I winced in pain at the sudden cramp. I haven't had a decent meal in a while.. -and when I do get to eat, I barely take down anything. I quickly gobbled down half of my pizza and a quarter of the carrots on the side. 

I could feel the cramping subside as I drank some cold water. Mark stared at me in awe. "Damn, man. You must be really hungry.." No shit sherlock. "Here." He gave me the crust of his pizza and I gladly ate it along with the rest of my pizza. "I don't like the crust anyway." He shrugged and gave me a half smile, patting me on the back.

 I nodded gratefully at him and finished off my water. Ethan glared at his empty plate and looked up at us with a serious expression. "Anyone else ticked off by the fact that they don't serve cookies?" 

They all laughed at that and Ethan brightened, satisfied with the reaction. He must have tried to cheer everyone up. I offered his a small chuckle and he smiled at me. The chuckle was forced.. but it seemed to do it's job. I haven't really had a reason to be happy at any point in these thirteen years.

 I remember the first time I tried ice cream with my parents. I'm pretty sure that was the happiest time in my life besides the times when we watched movies together, cuddled up into the couch with my soft, baby blue blanket wrapped around us. 

It was such a long time ago..

"Mom!" I frantically pointed at the ice cream shop and she smiled at me. "That's right.." She tapped her chin with a grin. "You've never had ice cream before, have you?" I shook my head. She laughed. "I guess we should go see what they have, huh?" 

I nodded my head rapidly and she chuckled, taking my small hand in hers and walking across the street to the shop. The door opened with a small ting sound. 

The woman working at the counter greeted us with a smile as I marveled at all the different flavors of ice cream. Colors such as red, purple, green and pink drew my attention as my mother watched me scamper around the display.

"Careful, S̷̢̺̜̻͍̻̥̦͆̐͛̄̄͠ͅe̵̱̟͉̙̖̲̺̭̝̻̠̙͈͊̈́a̷͎̹͉͋n̸̝̯͎̫̙̘̞̹̜͎̳̳̳̠͉̓̎̽̈́̍͘͝!" My mother grabbed me back before I slid on the wet marble floor. 

My face flushed as she let me go, my attention on the floor. "S-Sorry mom.." She kneeled beside me and lifted my chin up with her finger so my crystal blue eyes met hers. "Hey, it's okay. Just be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt." She pulled me into a hug and I gratefully hugged her back. 

The woman at the counter awed at us. She stood back up and pointed at the different flavors. "So, have you chosen?" My face lit up into a huge smile and I pointed toward the green one with chocolate chips. 

My mother nodded and looked back to the woman at the counter. "Two of that flavor, Please." The woman nodded and rang up our order. Mom was about to give the woman money when the woman held up her hand and shook her head. 

"No, miss. On the house." My mother nodded gratefully and we both took our cones, walking out of the shop. I was happily licking my ice cream when I tripped on my shoelace. The ice cream dropped from my hand and onto the hot cement, melting instantly. 

Tears pricked the back of my eyes and I started to cry. "Don't worry, dear. I've got it." I looked up at her, my bottom lip sticking out and trembling. She handed me her ice cream and I frowned. "But.. mommy? That's yours.." 

I crossed my arms and she laughed. "What's mine is yours. You're my baby boy." I smiled up at her and accepted her ice cream cone. I happily ate it as she tied my shoelaces back in place, walking me back home.

I sighed at the fond memory. "-lin. Mcloughlin!" Mark was lightly shaking my shoulder. Apparently he had been trying to call me several times. I raised both of my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look. "Lunch is over, we have to leave now. The rest of our group left."

 I looked around and sure enough, Felix, Tyler, Phil and Ethan were gone. I must have been daydreaming for a while then.. I nodded and got up from my place at the table, following Mark to a smiling Dan. Mark stood beside me as Dan opened the door to let us out. 

We walked down an unfamiliar path and stopped at a door that looked similar to mine and probably everyone else's. Dan opened the door and let us inside, closing it behind him after saying 'see you later'. Mark's room was considerably more decorated then mine. 

Red painted walls, a TV and console, a comfortable looking bed and a few wall decorations. I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed. "They really didn't give you any entertainment did they?" I shook my head and he ushered me over to the TV and console.

"You know how to play?"

I shook my hand in the air and shrugged. "Let me give you the basics then." He sat beside me on the floor and handed me a controller. I gratefully took it and he started up a game I'd never seen or heard of before called Dark Souls. 

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