Chapter Twenty-Six: Stranger

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My eyes shot open. My heart still pounded in my chest from the nightmare. The candle light was out. No wonder. I've never done well in the dark ever since my parents died.. I don't quite know why though. I can tell it's nowhere near morning though. The guards haven't woken us up yet.

Mark shifted on the bed and looked over me. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was awake now. "Bad dream?" His voice was groggy with sleep. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing." He sighed heavily. "Bad dreams aren't just nothing." He then sat up and rubbed his tired eyes, getting up and sitting next to me on the floor.

"Your heart is racing, is it not?"

I hesitantly nodded, but then I remembered that he probably couldn't see me. "I get it. I have constant nightmares too." Can he see me anyway? "Sorry if that was weird for you. I can see the outline of your body in the dark." I nodded understandingly. "Dark-" His body tensed and he inhaled sharply.

"Sorry. I was thinking about how dark it is in here.. I meant Mark." He shifted uncomfortably. "It's okay." I sighed and got up, sitting shoulder to shoulder with him. "What kind of nightmares do you have, Mark?

"I see things. Shadows."

"Shadows? As in..?" He chuckled dryly. "A person.. I think. It's a menacing presence in my dreams. Sometimes.. I think I can see it when I wake up." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. I see I'm not the only one with that habit. "Anyway.."

"Did you know that they let us keep lighters here?"

"Wait what? No. I didn't." He chuckled again, handing me something. "I think It'd be better for both of us if you went ahead and lit the candle over there." I nodded and reached for the candle, fumbling with the lighter and then lighting it. 

"I think it's safe to say we won't be having anymore nightmares tonight." 

He crawled back into bed and folded his hands over his chest again. This time, he didn't say goodnight. 

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders. I grumbled and turned away from them. They huffed in response. "Dude, wake up!" I lifted one eyelid and looked over to see Mark with a worried expression.


"Look at the clock, we missed breakfast. They didn't wake us up like usual." I looked over and sure enough, he was right. I sat up and rested my head against the bed, sighing. "They've done this to me before. I'm sure it's nothing."

"I don't know.. I have a bad feeling about this." His stomach growled and he pointed to it. "-And apparently my stomach does too." As soon as those words leave his mouth the door to our room opens a crack. 

"Mr. Fischbach?" 

Mark gets up from his kneeling position and curiously tilts his head at the door. "Yes?" A hand beckoned him out the door and he looked over to me. "I'm not leaving without Doc." The man at the other end of the door then became impatient.


Two people stepped into the room and advanced toward him. He backed up against the wall as they grabbed him, shoving him toward the exit. "D-DOC?" I was on my feet at this point, balling my fists at my sides. "MARK?" I reached for one of them and shoved him back. "DOC!" 

The first guard handcuffed Mark and pulled him away from me. Mark got to his knees in an attempt to become a weight. The first mistake I made was taking my attention off of the second one. The last thing I saw before passing out was Mark being dragged out of our room.

I woke up to a quiet sobbing. "Mark?" The monotone voice was very useful. In this case it didn't show the stutter that I would have had talking instead of thinking. I looked around the room and saw Mark huddled into a corner, rocking back and forth, holding his shivering knees. 

Concern etched my face as I approached his form cautiously. "..Mark?" He stopped crying and gave me a sideways glance. "Go away.." I squatted down to his level and rubbed his back comfortingly. He tensed up at my touch and a deep growl escaped his throat.

"I'm warning you.. stay back!"

"Mark.. it's me.." He shoved my hand off of his back and barred his teeth at me. His bangs still encased his face so I couldn't see his whole expression. "I told you to StAy BaCk!" He lifted himself up and clenched his fists until they turned white. 

"Mark?" I tried to touch his shoulder again and he whirled around, facing me. I could have sworn he glitched.. maybe I am seeing things. He lifted his head up and gave me a small smirk, taking a step forward as I took a step back. This continued until my back hit the wall.

He inched closer to me until our faces were inches apart. I turned my head and squeezed my eyes shut. In all honestly I'm more concerned than I am angry. I don't like being cornered but.. Mark is my friend. "I said.. stay away? Did you not hear me?"

He said the first part like he was questioning it himself. Does he even know what he's saying? "I'm concerned, Mark." His growl rumbled in his chest, making him sound like a ferocious tiger. He leaned his head over my shoulder so his mouth was by my ear.

"If you know what's best for you.. stay as far away from me as you can." His hot breath sent an uncomfortable chill down my spine. His voice was slightly pleading.. or maybe it was just me. He turned to leave and I gripped his shoulder, turning him back forcefully. 

His eyes flickered to a silvery color before he grabbed my throat and lifted me two inches off the ground. "Don't EVER do that again." His voice was dangerously calm and unnerving. He let me drop to the floor as he fixed his shirt and brushed off imaginary dirt.

I don't know what they did to him.. or what's going on.. but I know that this.. this isn't the Mark I know. He wouldn't harm a fly, let alone his friends. Which means.. I'm in serious danger in this room with a complete and utter stranger.

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