Chapter Nine: Death Penalty

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 This twin situation would be extremely hot if it weren't for the fact that they're trying to taser me. They advanced onto me as I backed into the cold, padded wall. 

I lunged at one of the girls while they were distracted by the guard getting back to his feet. The girl kicked and screamed as I tried to pry the taser out of her hands before the other one-

 A wave of pain shot through my body as I dropped onto the screaming girl. She threw me off of her as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I convulsed on the floor, my limbs flailing wildly. Black dots swarmed my vision as I lost all consciousness.

I've been in this room for over two days without food, or new clothes. The guard changed shifts and decided that I was too much trouble to even consider taking his position back, or so I've heard. I slumped down into a corner of the room. What did they want? My blood, but why? What is there to gain from taking my blood? 

What did they mean by I'm special? My door opened and non other then Dan walked in. He shut the door tightly behind himself and sat down next to me, studying my face. "So.. they poked you, huh?" I nodded, scowling at the thought. 

"You know, they're trying to help humanity survive the onslaught of.. those things." I gave him a questioning look and he continued.

"We don't exactly know where they came from, or what they are. We do know that if we.. create a cure, we can stop all this and return the world to normal." I shook my head and sighed. "You are what they call.. the most potent."

 The most potent? The hell? "It basically means The Cure will be most effective on you, because of how you're structured." 

He shook his head and gave me a smile. "I'm not even suppose to be telling you this, but there aren't any cameras in here and the room is soundproofed." I stayed silent and went over what he'd said. If what he says is true.. then I might never get out of here.

"So, Mcloughlin. Ready for breakfast?"

I nodded, my stomach growling in agreement. He laughed and got up, beckoning me toward the now open door. I followed him out and we advanced down the white hallway. "On another n-note.." His face pales and he tilts his head down, frowning a small bit.

 "H-Have you seen Phil, by any chance?" I rolled my eyes at the encounter and his eyes sparked with.. hope? "S-So he's okay? I haven't been able to see him for.. a while." 

I nodded and he let out a sigh of relief. I gave him a curious look and he inhaled sharply. "You want to know..?" I nodded again. We approached the cafeteria and the guard posted outside the door looked up at Dan lazily.

 "Maybe.. some other time, okay?" I looked at him in annoyance and he gave me a big, fake smile.

"Alright, Rocky. Get your lazy ass off that chair and take your break." 

The guard nodded and got off the chair, Dan taking his place. When 'Rocky' disappeared down the hall Dan gave me pleading eyes as he spoke. "When you get in there.. tell Phil everything's gonna be okay. Okay?" I nodded and opened the doors to the cafeteria. 

The crowd wasn't as big as it was yesterday but when I walked in everyone talked in hushed whispers, avoiding eye contact with me. I gave those who dared to look at me a sharp glare, I wasn't up for this right now. 

I plopped down in my seat, next to Felix who tiredly gazed at his plate. I got out the thought box and put the rings on my head, lowering the heightened volume. Phil traded places with Mark and stared at me while I ate my steak, gravy and rice. 

I took a swig of water and met his gaze. "So, Se-" I clenched my jaw and thought before he had a chance to say my name. "I almost forgot, Dan told me to tell you that everything is going to be okay."

 Phil instantly clammed up and looked at his plate with sad eyes. Everyone at the table, stared at me in shock. Mark choked on his rice.

I almost felt bad for him, almost.

"D-Did he say anything else?" I shook my head and went back to eating. Phil cursed under his breath and started picking at his food. Felix poked my ribs and I glared at him. What's with this guy and the poking? "What?

Felix spoke in a low voice, only loud enough for me to hear. "That's not funny, Mcloughlin. Getting Phil's hopes up like that." 

I shook my head. "Dan actually told me to tell him. I'm not making it up." His eyebrows shot up. "Really? Damn, I thought you got his name off Marzia and wanted to torment Phil. " A pink tint rose to his cheeks as he said the name Marzia. I raised an eyebrow but didn't point it out.

"I thought Dan would be killed for what he did.." He trailed off, flicking his eyes to Phil. Phil's head was lowered to the table and his body slowly rose and fell, only shaking a few times. He's crying, why? Felix noticed my puzzled expression and he spoke even lower this time. 

"Dan and Phil haven't been able to see each other since they arrived together. We don't know what they did to get Dan to comply with leaving Phil to take a guard position, but he did."

 He took a few bites of food and continued. "Dan.. had a.. messenger patient.. and was.. communicating back and forth.. through her." He swallowed the food he'd been chewing and took a sip of water.

"But they caught Dan,  and we haven't seen Dan or the messenger since then. So when I'd heard what you said, I thought you were pulling some sick joke." I nodded in understanding and took a bite of my long awaited meal. My stomach turns and I set down my spoon. Maybe not.. I've lost my appetite.

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