Chapter Eighteen: Thinning

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Days after me and Tyler talked to Cassy and Daniel, we gathered into the cafeteria again. The only people who survived testing out of that group was Bella and Daniel. Signe and six guards made their way into the cafeteria again. She and her companions talked back and forth again, choosing the next person to go into testing. 

"Group 6."

Eli, Abel, Brittney, Jackson, Sophie and Ken all tensed up and gave each other fearful looks. The one with dirty blonde hair and bluish green eyes spoke up first. "You're not taking my sister!" Signe smiled at him. "You don't have a choice, Jackson." Jackson stood from his table and his presumed sister grabbed his arm. "Jackson, don't." He shook his arm out of her grasp and moved forward. 

One of the guards stepped forward before Jackson could get any closer and drew his pistol. Jackson froze in his position and the guards finger hovered over the trigger. I stood from my table and Felix grabbed my arm, pulling me back down. I shot him a glare. "We can't help him. You'll get killed." I sighed and rested my head on my hand.

Signe spoke again. "I don't think it is wise to go against us." The blonde boy scowled at her and took a step forward with determination. "Take another step and your sister is going to lose another sibling." This seemed to hit the boy pretty hard. 

Tears streamed down his face and he broke down into violent sobs, dropping to the floor. Signe nodded to him and two guards grabbed his arms, leading him away from his group.

He must have gone through loss recently. There's no way he could be so broken up about it after a few months of being here. The rest of them escorted the group out of the cafeteria and out of sight of the rest of us. I got up from my seat and walked over to the cafeteria doors, knocking three times to let Dan know it was me. 

He opened the door and let me out. I grabbed my faded green hair in my hands and glared at the far wall, breathing hard.

Dan grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. "You alright?" I shook my head and grabbed for my box, putting on my rings. "How am I suppose to be okay when a few of us die every week or so?" Dan sighed and sat back onto his chair. 

"Hey, them or you." I glared at him. "I'm getting tired of people saying that." Dan gave me a questioning look and I waved it off. "Well, you gonna eat or not?" I shook my head. "I just want to sleep..

He nodded knowingly and lead me back to my white cell, shutting the door behind him. I began to get dizzy and I grabbed onto the nearest thing to steady myself- the desk. My heartbeat quickened and I held tighter to the surface of the desk in an attempt to steady myself. I clenched my jaw and squeezed my eyes shut. Not here. Not now. 

My eyes widened as I started to cough again. It was much worse this time, I leaned to the side and felt my hand slip off the desk. I landed on my side and coughed up blood. I gasped for air and hacked again. 

Black dots swarmed my vision and I got to my hands and knees to try and get up. I fell on my face and the liquid dribbled down my chin, onto the floor. I clutched my stomach with both hands as I tried to call for help. A small yelp escaped my throat and I lifted my throbbing head, regretting it immediately. 

I curled up into a tiny ball, waiting for the pain to leave me. I reached one hand out to crawl forward to the door. I clenched my jaw and pushed onward, leaning against the wall. I sucked in a breath and gathered all my strength to knock on the door.

 I dropped my hand and waited for someone to answer. But how is someone suppose to answer when the room is soundproofed? My head drooped to the side and I closed my eyes. Maybe if I sleep the pain with subside? 

The door opened abruptly and someone walked into the room. I forced my eyes open and looked to see who it was. Dan. His head whipped sideways and he looked over at me. All sound was drowned out by the pounding in my ears. 

He shook my shoulders as his mouth moved rapidly. His eyes widened and he pushed me to my feet. I leaned against him for support.  The last thing I remember was Dan pulling me in the direction of nurse Hannah.

I woke up with nurse Hannah towering over me with a grin. "You're lucky you got here in time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made it." I could tell her smile wasn't genuine. By 'I'm lucky' she means she wasn't ordered to kill me off because I'm 'important'.

 I grimaced at the bright light and shut my eyes again. She giggled and went back to whatever she was doing before I woke up. "Hey, Mcloughlin. You alright there, bud?" Dan. I shook my head and groaned. 

"Yeah, I thought not. Is it your-"

I turned my head to glare at him and immediately regretted it. My head erupted in pain and I pulled the blanket I was under over my head. He sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up." I nodded from under the blanket and he let out a small chuckle. "You up for breakfast when you're done here?" My eyes widened and I gently pulled the covers back down.

 I reached for my box and put the small metal rings on my head. "What do you mean breakfast? How long was I out?" He chewed on his bottom lip and sat back down. "You've been here for four days. Group six has already finished testing." 

"How many survived?"


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