Chapter Two: Hide

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My eyes were met with a white padded room with a single reclined chair in the middle bolted to the floor. Bloody claw marks littered the walls and the straps on the chair are ripped apart, gently caressing the floor as a light breeze flutters around it.

 A patch of ginger hair is tangled into the headrest and dried blood coats the floor below it. A mirror is reflecting the gruesome scene on the wall. It's probably a two way mirror. 

I clutch my stomach with my free hand as a wave of nausea hits me and I gag. What kind of sicko watches someone freak out like that? What exactly were they doing to that poor person? Am I next? I shut the door tightly and continue on until I find myself looking through the window of a door.

 The cafeteria I presume. My stomach rumbles loudly. I haven't had a bite to eat for a while. Ignoring my stomach, I continue down the rows of doors until one catches my attention.

Mostly because it's black while everything else is white. I jiggle the door handle and tug as hard as I can. It won't budge. I can hear a faint beeping sound coming from the other side of the door and I put my ear to the cool metal. 

The beeping sound grew louder and I could hear shuffling from inside. Someone must have sounded the fucking alarm! I whir around and run toward the uncharted corridor on the left. Footsteps caught up to me once again and I darted my eyes around for a hiding spot.

 Shit, shit, shit! My eyes land on another door and I bolted for it, opening the door and silently closing it behind me. The footsteps fade from my position and I slump against the cold tile of what I presume to be a bathroom.

As soon as I feel safe my hope is shattered. "Wait, we missed this one!" A mans voice catches my attention and I immediately strain my ears to hear if they're coming this way. The people outside halt in their steps and walk towards a door they missed.. my door. I have about six seconds to find a hiding spot before they find me in here, I'm fucking trapped. 


I step into the shower and close the curtain, instantly regretting my decision on coming in here.


Fuck.. this is no good. 


No, no, no! I step out quietly and start to panic, gripping my faded green hair in my hands.


My eyes land on the cabinet under the sink and I drop to my knees.


I open the doors and squeeze my body into the cabinet, willing myself to shrink.


The door bursts open as soon as I shut the cabinet door and silence fills the air. After a few seconds the man starts to walk slowly toward my previous hiding spot. I knew I would be doomed if I stayed in there. 

I could hear the curtain rip from the rings holding it up and the man sigh, releasing the breath he'd been holding. Why the hell is he scared? I'm the one being hunted like a fucking animal!

The man walks back to the open door and hesitates by my cabinet, turning himself in my direction. I try my best to keep my breathing steady as he reaches for the knob on the door to my hiding spot. The man sighs and I could feel his hot breath through the cracks. 

I crane my neck to see his face and I instantly regret it. His dilated gray iris was staring back at me and I froze in place. My whole body was cramped and I closed my eyes in order to calm my heartbeat hammering against my ribcage. 

The man shifts his weight and was about to open the door when he had second thoughts. He chuckled to himself as he got up from his squat position.

 "Nah, only a girl could fit in there." I gritted my teeth at his comment as he shut the door behind him. What is it with these guys and calling me small? I mean what the fuck. 

"All clear in here!" The team of people walk back from where they came, joking along the way about how I was fast for a short man. I'm freaking 5'9 and they act as if I'm the shortest man on planet Earth! I scrunch my face in discomfort as my limbs begin to cramp. 

I open the cabinet door and hop out of my hiding spot. My leg muscles begin to tighten and I'm met with an unbearable pain. Ah fuck, fuck! Charley Horse! Still, I don't make a sound. Not even a whisper. 

I grab my leg and massage it as I sit on the toilet lid. Fuckin' asshole made my leg cramp. The pain soon fades and I stretch my leg in an attempt to ease the soreness. I get up from my sitting position and press my sore leg to the floor. 

It hurts, but it's bearable now. I grab the door handle and open the door a crack to peek outside. Coast is clear. I close the door behind me as I make my way out of the bathroom. 

Do these guys sleep here too? I mean damn, a bathroom? I head into the direction away from the guards and look into many rooms before yet another, catches my attention. Again, how big is this place? I peer inside and it looks similar to the room I was in.

 How many people are they keeping here against their will? I thought I was the only one.. Well, now I don't feel very special. Note the sarcasm. I keep going at a steady pace before I stop at another door, holy shite.. 

There's a freaking person in there. A brown haired man is propped up in a corner of the white room. I could see a red substance staining his cheeks and his fingers are stained as well. His eyes are pitch black and his mouth hangs open in an O shape. 


That's blood..

and his eyes are.. oh God.

I turn my head in disgust and grimace. He's dead, alright. He gouged his own eyes out.. Fuck. That's one way to go. 

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