Chapter Thirty-Eight: Believe Me

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Dark gave me a wink. "So.. Fe, you never told us how you knew it was Marzia." Dammit.. there he goes again. Making trouble that I might not be able to clean up. It DOES have to do with me.. This isn't going to end well.

"First off, don't call me Fe. Only Jack calls me that." Felix glares at Dark. Dark throws his hands up in surrender. "Woah. Didn't know you were so sensitive on nicknames. Noted." Felix rolls his eyes an continues. "Second.."

He looked over to Marzia. "I knew it was her.. Don't exactly know how. I just did." He looks back over to Dark with a small half smile. "Call it a gut feeling." Dark nodded as Felix narrowed his eyes, glaring at the floor.

"I just don't know who would do something like this.." Dark chuckled, slapping a hand onto Felix's left shoulder, catching him off guard and sending him stumbling forward. Felix shot a glare at him. "Sorry.. you know.." He trailed off.. an unsettling glint in his eyes.

"I think Jack might know something about it. Why don't ya ask him?" Felix looked over at me, then back to Dark and right back to me. "What does he mean, Jack?" I sighed, clenching my fist in my pocket.

"I.. I dOn'T kNoW."

Dark nudges Felix and whispers something into his ear loud enough for everyone to hear. "I think he's lying." Felix looks over to me and gives me a questioning glance. I avoid his gaze and look down to my feet.

"Jack.. If you know something about Maria's... Case. Then you should tell him." Tyler smiles at me and I nod. "I dOn'T tHiNk He'Ll Be hApPy WiTh WhAt I'vE gOt To SaY tHoUgH.." Tyler shrugged. "It's all he's got, Jack."

I sigh, biting my bottom lip. "I dId It." Felix stopped, stonefaced. "No." He looked over to me and I stopped as well. "Do I lOoK iNnOcEnT tO yOu?" I grab his shoulders and look him in the eyes. "I dId ThIs!"

"No, no. No you didn't. You wouldn't do this. It was someone else." I stared at him in disbelief. "No, Fe! It wAs mE! Me AnD mE aLoNe!" I shook him, getting frustrated. "I don't believe that!" He tore my hands from his shoulders, pushing me back. "Stop lying to me!"

"StOp LyInG tO yOuRsElF!" I pushed him into the wall with a thud. Felix groaned, holding his head in his hands and shaking it from side to side. His head suddenly jerked up, fury in his eyes. He ran at me, tackling me to the ground. "You're lying! Who are you covering for?!"

"I'm NoT cOvErInG fOr AnYoNe! GeT oFf Me!" I struggled to throw him off, grabbing his arms and pushing him to the side. I pinned him to the ground, panting from the hassle. Tears streamed down his face and he choked back a sob. "Just tell me the truth goddammit!"

"YoU wAnT tHe TrUtH?!" I looked back at Dark and I could see he was doing his hardest to try and suppress a smirk. "YoU aLl WaNt ThE t-TrUtH..?" Silence enveloped the room as everyone shuffled uncomfortably under my fiery glare. I looked down at Felix, tightening my grip on his wrists.

"I kIlLeD hEr."

"I iNjEcTeD hEr WiTh ThAt SiLvEr ShIt. I gOt tO WaTcH hEr WrItHe UnDeRnEaTh mE As ShE sUfFeReD uNiMaGiNaBlE pAiN." I hissed, holding onto my stomach as I took a deep breath, my eyes focusing and unfocusing on Felix as he looked at me in shock and horror.

"AnD I fUcKiNg EnJoYeD eVeRy LaSt SeCoNd Of It." I growled as pain shot through my abdomen and I struggled to get up. Tyler begrudgingly helped me up, taking my shoulder again. I knew what I said was harsh..

But I'm afraid that was the only way he would understand what I said was truth, not fiction. I killed her and I-.. I don't know how I feel about that. But I do know one thing.. Only a crazy person feels nothing when they kill someone.

I felt nothing.

Tyler abruptly stopped, narrowing his eyes at the distance. I looked over to where he was staring and a door stood out from the rest.. Mostly because it was glowing along the edges and pulsating with light.

"I'm pretty sure everyone else is seeing what I'm seeing.." Tyler's mouth hangs open after he finishes, his eyes wide with wonder. Dark's laughter echoes around the hall. "-Unless we're all on LSD and tripping balls."

Blank shrugs. "-Or that." He raises his hand in the air. "Me first!" Before anyone can stop him, he takes off down the hallway. "WaIt! We DoN't KnOw If-" Everyone besides Tyler takes off to chase down Blank.

I groan in frustration. "FuCk iT. LeT's Go, TyLeR." He chuckles airily, slowly making our way down the hallway- much slower than the others. Once we get there, everyone is already messing around with the tech inside.

Blank is talking into a high-powered fan, Dark is examining an oddly coffin shaped capsule with tubes running through it and mist flowing freely from under the lid, most likely from the temperature.

Felix is pushing any button he can with child-like fascination while Marzia sits at his feet like a good little dog. Tyler gives me a small smile. I nodded wordlessly and he let my arm go, walking over to the tech and messing with the remote left on the chair.

Dark beckons me over, his thumb and forefinger holding his chin while his right arm holds his left elbow. As soon as I approach him he turns to look in my direction. "What do you make of this?" I shrug, bored.

"Judging by the liquid running through the tubes and the ice cold mist from under the lid.. Something must be inside." I rock back and forth on my heels, whistling a tune. "Are you serious right now?! Someone might be in that thing and you're whistling?!"

"WhAt'S wRoNg DaRk? DoN't LiKe WhIsTlInG?" I start to whistle louder and Dark groans. Just as the sound leaves his lips, something beeps. Something drops to the floor and the capsule opens with a whooshing sound.

I stare into the coffin with a gaping mouth. "Is ThAt..?" Dark nods. "It is."

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