Author's Notes! I know, we all hate these..

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DUN DUN DUN !! I've got an author's note! :P ha I hate writing these, but this is necessary... So I'm going to revise chapter 1. Why you may ask? Because some people are saying that the text doesn't fit an eight year olds perspective, which I totally agree now that I've read it though :l .. So I may not upload the next chapter for a while since today is moving day WOOT WOOT! No, I'm kidding :l I hate it aha.. AND also because I want to re-write the chapter. Chapter one is supposed to get people interested the most, and if they don't like it then my readers aren't going to go anywhere.. I know I can't please everyone with my writing, but as a writer-to-be I'm going to do what my audience asked just this once :) Thank you for your understanding!

Oh by the way! Keep telling me who you think is behind Nick ;) I've gotten two answers so far, and I want to see what everyone thinks :)

Also, haha I keep dragging this.. but can you guys help me find shipping names :D?? That would be great! I'll dedicate a chapter to you if you can give me at least one shipping name that I'll like ^_^

Harry + Sophia= _____

Louis + Sophia= _____

Nick + Sophia= ______

So if you can fill in one of those I'll dedicate! and/or fan :) depending on how generous I want to be x)

SO get shipping!! <3

Thank you :)

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