Chapter 19

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Today is my 16 week check up which means we get to find out our baby gender but Alecia had a fit begging us to let her throw her a gender reveal we did. Sitting in the waiting room holding Lanes hand shaking from the anxiuoses "What do you want babe" "I want a boy but all I really want is a healthy momma and baby" he said resting his hand on my small baby bump. "Well I want a boy too becuase people say its easier" I laugh along with him even when the nurse calls us back. 

"So since this is your" she stops looking at the ultasound "Is everything alright" I ask "Uh yeah but it looks like three heartbeats" I was confused so I looked at Lane and then we both realized it and snaped our heads back to the doctor

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"So since this is your" she stops looking at the ultasound "Is everything alright" I ask "Uh yeah but it looks like three heartbeats" I was confused so I looked at Lane and then we both realized it and snaped our heads back to the doctor. "Three babies" we both shout "Yeah your having triplets" she clears he throat. 

"We can't have three babies Avery" he says walking out of the doctor's office behind me "I know but we have to" "No" he say his hands on his neck "I'm sorry if you want to leave okay" I say walking away "I'm not going anywhere you and those babies are my home, my everyhting, so don't ever think I would leave" his response makes my heart melt.

Lane had to go back to work and since we just figured out we're having triplets I of course had to share the news with my bestfriend. "So I have something to tell you" "Okay tell me tell me" "Well looks like the gender reveal gonna be bigger than expected becuase I'M HAVING TRIPLETS" I yell making her jump on my bed of extictment so i join her. "Now I have to for sure have to get everything together so bye" I laugh while she runs out of our bedroom.

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