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The play ended and the main cast; Emma (ChatNoir), Charlotta (Ladybug) and Wade (Hawkmoth)  was swarmed by strangers who wanted to get there kids' pictures with them as a keepsake. Charlotta disliked being surrounded by these strangers and Emma knew that so she took it upon herself to once again comfort her friend. This time with a hand hold.

Charlotta's father couldn't attend do to business matters conflicted with the date of the play while her mother couldn't attend either so Charlotta was envious of Emma. She understood that the world doesn't revolve around her but when your ten and you've worked really hard on something, you at the very least want to show off the end result. At least her favorite Aunt, Victoria Hatori also known as Tori was there rotting her on.

Emma noticed the disappointment behind Charlotta's smile. "It's okay, I'll always be by your side." she said as she kissed Charlotta's cheek. So many people took pictures of this precious moment between the two girls dressed as Paris's famous superheroes. Emma had two thoughts during this moment that she was going to keep her promise and that she was going to frame this. "Promise?" Charlotta questioned. "Afterall, ChatNoir is destined to be with a Ladybug."
Emma added a smile that emphasised what's truly in her heart. 

Charlotta liked Emma's honesty even know she didn't necessarily know how to reply. "Your the best." Emma blushed at Charlotta's compliment. "I know." Emma said as she flexed her muscles with her free arm. Flexing was a habit that Emma had picked up watching videos of ChatNoir's heroics. Emma asked herself: "If ChatNoir needed to impress Ladybug, what would he do?" Charlotta laughed "Your a dork."

"Hello, ChatNoir and Ladybug. Have you seen my niece anywhere?" Tori asked acting as if they were the actual ChatNoir and Ladybug. Charlotta had pretty much out grown playing pretend. Emma on the other hand was more childish. "Maybe, my Princess stopped to smell the roses."
Tori was kind of glad that Charlotta's parents weren't there since they wouldn't approve of Emma and Charlotta's relationship. That's okay whatever Charlotta decides Tori plans on supporting her as long as she doesn't rush into anything. She only ten afterall.

"Toritori, I need to run back and  go get my roses." Charlotta said to her Aunt as she let go of Emma's hand to run back with her Aunt to get the bouquet Emma gave her. Emma found herself blushing since Charlotta said 'need' instead of 'want'. Emma doesn't usually pick up on things like this however, Alya had been teaching her the impact that words have like need and want. A need essential while want is a desire.

Luka told Emma that he was proud of her for being herself. "Your just like your mom."  Emma tilted head and added a "Huh?" in confusion with Luka's statement. "Practically amazing in every way." He continued patting the top of her head. "It's also because my Papa is the best dad ever." Luka thought that Emma was referring to Adrien since Marinette did say that Emma had been calling Adrien dad even know Emma never called Luka anything close to the amazing title of dad.

Emma preceded to give Luka a hug and said to him: "Thank you, Papa." "Your welcome, Kitten." Marinette took pictures of them hugging, of course it looked weird with Emma dress as ChatNoir. That's probably the last thing that Luka would ever do, hug ChatNoir. "Do you want to go out for Pizza?" Luka asked knowing the Emma needs a reward for all her hard work. As for usual the quickest way to Emma's heart is through her stomach. Remind you of anybody?

"We're going out for Pizza!" Emma exclaimed as she ran around telling all her family where they were going. Then she saw Gabriel who popped out like a sore thumb since over dressed. "Do you like pizza?" Emma asked not knowing if pizza was too cheap for someone of Gabriel's status. Gabriel looked at Emma who looked so much like ChatNoir it was uncanny. "How about a raincheck?" Gabriel said not knowing his schedule nor did he need to since Natalie kept track of it.

"Where's Dad?" Emma asked Gabriel. "Did you not just speak with Couffaine?" "No, that's Papa. I'm talking about Adrien." Emma explained. 'Does she know?' Gabriel questioned but dismissed the idea since Emma is now claiming to have two dads which would make an awkward tabloid if the public ever found out Emma is Adrien's illegitimate child. The paparazzi was already having a hayday when they found out that Adrien moved out of his apartment that Gabriel was paying for. Not to mention the fact that rumours were spreading like wildfire.

"He told me that you did and great job. That your even a better ChatNoir then the actual ChatNoir." Gabriel replied hoping that she'd be happy with his answer since she didn't know were Adrien was. "Tell him thanks." Emma smiled seeing through Gabriel's lie but she realized he probably lied for his sake not her's. Gabriel looked worried even know he was great at hiding it, Emma could read people if she cared enough.

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