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Marinette got to the front of her apartment with her arms full of groceries since she would rather kill the muscles in her arms than take another trip. Emma was also trying to help but, her form of help translated into her carrying one or two bags that held snacks a ten year old couldn't resist diving into.

She sat the groceries on the counter as Emma tried to sneak away a bag of newly bought Cheetos that she had opened in the car. Emma didn't want to get in trouble so she thought if she ate the evidence then Marinette would never know but Emma having Cheeto dust as a decoration for her finger tips was not exactly the best to avoid being caught.

"Emma, did you get into the Cheetos?"
Marinette asked as Emma who had stuffed the bag of Cheetos in her hoodie pocket while she was in the car. Marinette knew they were up to something since kids weren't normally quiet unless they were up to trouble.

Emma nodded her head 'Yes' and hoped her mom won't make her share the Cheetos with boys.

"I'm glad you're telling the truth but the Cheetos have to go up in the cabinet until after dinner then you can eat as much as you want."

Emma looked as if she was heartbroken that the Cheetos would have to sit in a cabinet until dinner time because in little kid time that was equivalent to forever.

Levi and Kurt started playing tug-of-war in the living room with one of Emma's Ladybug dolls that Aunt Alya had bought while traveling to the United States for an all expensive paid reporter conference.

"That's not how you treat a Lady." Emma scolded. She wasn't mad that Levi and Kurt were playing tug-of-war. That was one of her favorite games. What she didn't like was that Levi and Kurt would someday be candidates for the cat Miraculous since in Emma's mind at least so

Emma thought that Aunt Alya or Uncle Nino knew who ChatNoir was out of costume. She had already put two and two together that Aunt Alya and Rena Rouge were one and the same. See simply figured this out when she heard Kurt once call Carapace, dad.

Luka read the sliver numbers that hung on the dark blue doors looking for a specific one. He carried with him a bag of candy and five gift bags. He had done some shopping during his tour for Marinette, Emma, and the Lahiffe boys. Luka also got gifts for Alya and Nino but left them in his hotel room which is a temporary living arrangement until he finds an apartment to rent. He was hoping he could rent an apartment in the same building as Marinette.

Luka understood that there was a chance that Marinette would choose ChatNoir but he felt that ChatNoir had already been absent for ten years. ChatNoir missed his daughter's first steps, her first word, her day of school, her first Christmas, her first birthday.

The rockstar however, wouldn't stoop so low as to take away the chance of Emma getting to know her biological father. A chance he wished he had.

When he finally found the door he knocked. He heard some ruckus on the other side. He assumed it was Marinette telling the kids to quiet down incase it was neighbor with a noise complaint.

He was greeted by Marinette. She had short, messy, raven hair and a smile of exhausted plaster on her face. She was still in her work clothes but she had a pink apron with cooking battle scars. Add the feeling of being smack in the face by the smell of spaghetti sauce and you've got a single mom in over her head with four hungry munchkins.

"You up for manning the children, while I found finish cooking?" Marinette asked as she pulled Luka into the apartment. About ten seconds later Luka heard the children scream his name.

"This one is for you, this one is for you, this one for you and for you." Luka said as he handed each the children a gift bag each eager to open it. Kurt's eyes lit up when he saw'll that he got a pink ukulele with Hawaiian flowers sign by his favorite rockstar, Jagged Stone. He always wanted a ukulele but Alya and Nino never got him one for fear that he would annoy everyone with it.

Levi got a rubix cube that was a limit edition. Levi enjoy both collecting and solving rubix cubes. He was very intelligent for a eight year old.  Remy got a Sabertooth Build-a-Bear from Disney land's Build-a-Dino. It was dressed as a pop star. Remy squeezed the life out of the Sabertooth that he instantly called "Meow Meow".

Emma got the new Guitar Villain game based on Jagged Stone akumation about eleven-ish years ago. This game wasn't even on the shelves yet. She gave Luka a big hug and the three boys soon joined tackling Luka who was doing a excellent job of distracting the kids.

Author's Note:
I wanted to tell you, my readers that I do read your comments and I want to thank you guys for being so supportive. I am planning exactly fifty chapters for CatWalk. It might be on hold for awhile since I've decided on creating a WEBTOON called "Too Be Continued...."  I plan on publishing it in either June or July.

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