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"Then Alya took me to get ice cream."

Emma was explaining how her day went after Alya was kind enough to pick Emma up from School then drop her off. Emma sat up on the table closest to the Mannequin that her mother was working with.

"I got the strawberry kind."

Emma bragged knowing that strawberry was also Marinette's favorite flavor. Kids had the habit of trying to get others jealous over petty things. Adrien had to distract Emma as Marinette tired to finish at least one outfit.

"Adrien?" Emma questioned.

As she colored in a Ladybug and ChatNoir coloring book that Adrien was kind enough to provide for her.

"Yes, Bug?" Adrien questioned not knowing he was unintentionally giving Emma nicknames like 'Kitten and Bug.'

"Tomorrow's career day at school and mommy can't come."

She said waiting if Adrien was going to volunteer to show up. Her classmates were going to call her a lair if she didn't follow threw with her promise.

"Your Mom will show up."

He promised not wanting Emma to experience the same disappointment when his father didn't bother to show up.

"I want you to go." Emma said.

Adrien was surprised. He not know if a person not related to the student could show up for Career day. He didn't care however, he didn't have any children of his own yet as far as he knew. He felt honored to have Emma want him to go.

"I'll be there." He replied.

Emma had a wide smile on her little freckled face as she hugged Adrien. Adrien felt as if he should protect this precious girl as if he was developing fatherly instincts.

Gabriel walked through the door seeing Adrien and Emma bond over coloring books and crayons. Emma saw him and instantly got up from her stool. She ran over and hugged Gabriel. Adrien wonder if this was because he agreed to be her 'dad for a day' and that made her think of Gabriel as a grandfather figure.

Marinette saw this and was about to scold Emma when the words that came out of Emma's mouth surprised her more then her daughter's actions towards Gabriel.

"Your my Yé Yé."

Gabriel picked Emma up and he looked at Adrien then at Marinette putting to and to together that Emma was indeed his granddaughter. She had just called him 'Yé Yé' which is  Chinese for paternal grandfather. He knew the first time seeing this little girl that she had Adrien's eyes.

He always wondered why Adrien did not confessed that he had gotten a girl pregnant in high school. Did he not want it to interfere with his modeling career? Or was he afraid that if a villain found out that they would use the knowledge to their advantage?

"I know."

Gabriel replied to Emma which surprised both her mother and her clueless biological father.

"You wanna come to my school tomorrow? It's career day!" Emma asked wanting to make her classmates extra jealous.

Adrien wanted to intervene to prevent Emma form being on the receiving end of a false promise.

"I'm sorry but I'm sure your mother and father can attend." Gabriel kindly replied.

Marinette heard those words and wondered if Gabriel knew that Emma's father was ChatNoir.

"Mommy is busy but Adrien said he will be my daddy for a day."

Gabriel looked momentarily at his son and realized that somehow Adrien didn't know that  this dark haired greened eyed girl was in fact his daughter.

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