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Marinette woke up to her daughter eating breakfast at the kitchen counter. This wasn't Marinette's dream, it was apartment sized not at all want she was used to. She used to live in a bakery after all.

"Good morning, Marinette." Tikki greeted as she munched on her cookie. She had been listening to Emma talk about two kids at school. A blonde girl in her class who Marinette had meant the other day.
Another was a red headed boy who was in Kurt's grade and did nothing but draw with chalk during recess.

"Morning." Marinette yawned. She was not a morning person at all. Even though she had short cut hair it looked as if it had never had a comb brushed threw it in it's entire life. She had to work late last night to make up for the time she used when she went to Emma's career day.

Tikki usually went with Emma to school hiding in her backpack. Marinette had no need to transform into Ladybug anymore. Papillon had not mad an appearance for some years. Ladybug was the only Miraculous holder who was capable of de-evilizing the butterflies.

Having Tikki was Marinette's trusted companion. If Emma was being bullied at school Tikki told Marinette without hesitation. Marinette turned on the television that hung on a wall across the room.

ChatNoir had apparently saved a woman from a purse snatcher. He didn't need Ladybug anymore. She had seen him from a distance threw the years but never talked to him. The news reporters would try to ask him questions about Ladybug's supposed death and every time he would avoid the subject until today.

"It's been ten years since Ladybug perished, how do you feel?"

A reporter asked that Marinette knew all too well. It was Alya who probably was interviewing ChatNoir against her supervisor's orders. She was five months pregnant she shouldn't be doing field work.

"What can I say? What should I say? Ten years is a long time."

ChatNoir replied knowing that since he hadn't had the need to use his cataclysm there was plenty of time to answer Alya's questions and only Alya's questions. He didn't trust the other reporters.

"Do you miss her?" Alya asked knowing that he probably missed her then Ladybug's number fan in which she still was and forever would be.

"I know this will sound cheesy but not a day goes by where I don't miss her."

The reporters awed at his full-hearted statement. Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, and Carapace spent time with ChatNoir in the first couple years of his coping then he
slowly drifted away becoming a stand alone hero.

He had told them, he couldn't bare to lose another teammate. Rena Rouge and Carapace appearances were here and there since unbeknownst to ChatNoir and Queen Bee they were raising children.

"Will you attend the Ladybug tribute at the Louvre this week?" Alya asked knowing that Ladybug would want him to attend.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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