17.3 | Fragile Whispers |

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Remi picked a night of gentle rain

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Remi picked a night of gentle rain.

Though I'm not sure of the last time I felt anything like this, the surprise came to us as something good and refreshing.

Within a short radius of the city, Ally informed me that we could, in fact, bury Theron outside city limits so long as the grave was deep enough. I suppose this is in order to avoid the ashes and clothing from resurfacing.

He was originally cremated due to New Delhi's policy with disease control. It breaks poor Remi's heart every time she has to say the word ashes, but there is no arguing with a society so willing to take you in with nothing more than some trade-offs.

Still, feeling tiny droplets of water slipping down my arms in still humid heat is refreshing.

The young woman clings to a beautifully carved wooden box, whispering things too it on and off while we make out way beyond the city limits. Some are loving, others are mere explanations of what's going on in the world around us.

Gods be damned, it breaks my heart to watch.

After a few minutes, Dan falls back beside me and gives me a weird smirk.


"Well," he begins, making his voice just loud enough for only me to hear. "We did tell Alice you were pregnant and I'm honestly just wondering how long it will take her to realize you're not... That or what kind of lie we're going to have to feed her about losing the baby."

"This is honestly what you're thinking about right now?" I ask, brow quirking up in surprise. "We're burying your friend and you're wondering about how Alice will react when there is no baby?"

Daniel frowns, the innocence and lack of pain washing out of his eyes again. Bleeding back in are the thoughts of pain and sadness he keeps warding off with childish or distracting behavior.

I'm hit with the guilt like a bullet. I force a low chuckle and shake my head. "I'll say something about a miscarriage, maybe even make a scene of it and go to the hospital."

His lips jerk upwards a little bit. "Oh? And how exactly are you going to fake a miscarriage?"

"Come now Daniel, you have to have some idea of the things I can do with my body given your... situation."

I'm not prepared for him to stop walking or the intense glare he cuts me down with. Daniel doesn't say anything, quickly glancing over to the girls. They've got their arms full with tools and the box. Neither so much as flinches, both continuing on mindlessly.

He slips back up to my side. "I thought you weren't going to say anything."

"That is the point of whispering, Dan."

Daniel rolls his eyes and keeps pushing forward, catching up with Meika and Remi. It bothers him. It bothers me that it bothers him. Yet there is nothing I can do but keep dragging up the truth he's so desperately hiding from.

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