15. | Fibers of The Heart |

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Hours bled into the night

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Hours bled into the night.

Specifically, eleven hours and fifteen minutes.

Painful hours of Remi pacing in circles, asking me different questions about hospitals and illness until she eventually passed out in a worn armchair. Panic broke her down and spat her out.

Daniel went with Meika to find the flat we'd been staying in, leaving me alone to deal with doctors, nurses, and a bunch of dying patients.

In passing the time, I slipped through the halls, absorbing the souls of patients who were crossing over, greeting restless and tired people and guiding them to the empty realm behind.

Theron is put in an in-patient room, unconscious.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Picking up Remi - her small frame rolling into me easily - is the first step to getting answers.

She doesn't stir, a sigh escaping her as I place her in another chair within the room. The privacy feels safer, an old, broken TV hanging on the wall and some curtains sheltering us from the night.

Sitting down upright, I watch every human that walks by with precision and death in my eyes.

"You look like a Sentry," a groggy voice breaks my vigil.

Internally rattled, I slowly turn to see Theron opening his eyes into slits. "You look half-dead," I smirk back.

The green eyes blink open fully, something darker hiding under the irises. "I suppose that's something, come here."

Obediently, I rise and come to his side, resting a hip against the bed.

Remi moans a little in the far corner. We both freeze, turning to look at her as if waking the young woman was some kind of crime punishable by execution. Instead, she mumbles something incoherent and curls into the soft cushions more.

The sick man turns to look at me, once again giving me an analytical staredown and then smirking a bit. "Have you been feeding off the souls in here?"

I laugh, surprised by the observation. "How could you possibly have known that?"

Theron doesn't respond at first, reaching for his head with a groan. "I-I uh, well your eyes stopped glowing for one, but I suppose it's more about the way you're carrying yourself. You look stronger," he smiles a little bit, as if happy for it.

I give him a more intense once over, inspecting every inch of his frame. Theron's frown deepens again when we make eye contact, the same look he gave me the night in the hotel.

"Stop giving me that look," I grumble. "You're not allowed to give up."

He doesn't say anything, looking largely at the floor as if there were something far more interesting in the opposite direction from me. A normal human game, something I haven't seen a lot of in my time interacting with others.

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