21.1 | When You Leash A Destroyer |

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A pulse shudders through the room when our blades connect.

A scraping sound echoes throughout the room, singing against the walls and clearly startling Daniel into the reality before him.

Two Gods drawing swords against each other.

The room spins around us, flashes of the fireplace dancing and swaying, colorful paintings in the middle of a tornado. His elbow smacks against my ribs within the same moment my fist pounds deep into his sternum. The pressure sends us both flying into opposing walls.

I flip the dagger in my hand and take a stance, feeling the heat and sweat loosen my grip ever so slightly. The pain will catch up with me progressively, unlike Kiel. I'll have to find a way to take him down in succession if I want any chance at winning this fight.

"You won't win this time, Iridian," Kiel remarks, pulling himself off the floor. "You're too weak, too empty..."

Before he can get another word out, the steel of my sword is centimeters from his neck. "You know nothing," I hiss at him, grunting with the strain. "You're nothing but a child compared to me."

Kiel's eyes darken, thrusting me off of him, and sending me skidding backward.

"A weak, stubborn child throwing a tantrum-" my leg hooks his knee out from under him quickly, dragging him down. -"A spoiled brat who has tormented this planet enough."

His speed is wicked. Within a single blink, he's standing behind me again, pressing the hilt of his knife into my back. Smooth, sleek steel with dark black curves. The etchings engraved along the side whispering deity slayer.

My throat stiffens, new twists forming in my head.

Sizing me up, Kiel's stance shifts slightly. It feels as though my shoulder is ripped clean off, a deep gasp escaping my mouth.

"What do you think antagonizing me is going to accomplish, Sister? Mercy?"

I roll my eyes, panting enough to pause for a moment and stare up at him from the floor. Daniel watches in horror, body stiff and rigid. Just a boy compared to us, scared and so far out of his depth.

Acquisition of power is driven by insanity.

Kiel's features are more worn than I would've ever expected. I did not attack him expecting to win. But I have to try. I have to submit him and restore the balance he once swore to upkeep.

It appears he ate through many oaths, our siblings included...

"What could ail you so much you decide to destroy the world, Kiel?" I mutter, wiping what I can only imagine being blood from my lips.

He flinches only for a second, long enough for me to stand.

"It's so much bigger than me, Iridian."

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