17.2 | Fragile Whispers |

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"Where the hell are we?"

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"Where the hell are we?"

Remi is pacing in circles through pure white light, waving her arms around and stamping her feet down on the floor. Nothing but a bright white room surrounds us, a lack of images or anything distracting on the walls. Almost as if we were dropped in the center of a white cube.

I dust myself off a little bit and adjust my long, wrinkled sleeves. "We have to be quick or the others are going to find our limp bodies and someone's going to flip their lid."

The confused girl is too distracted to hold up her angry front. Remi looks over at me with nothing but curiosity and drops her hands. "Won't Meika know where we are?"

I shrug.

To be completely honest, I didn't know the answer to that question. Given my relationship with the Witch, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if her reaction was to panic and mourn me. Being the only person she considers family at this point other than Lindon, she's bound to think the worst first.

"Where are we, Ira?" She asks again, softly and more delicate than any time before.

I take a deep breath and hold out a hand for her to take.

She accepts, following me through the never-ending room to a singular recliner.

The only black thing in a world of bright white and purity.

"Sit," I beckon, guiding her down with my hand and setting her down into the chair. It's smooth, polished leather puffs with her weight.

Remi gives me a solid once over before leaning back. Her trusting demeanor seems to be seeping back out again, the childish behavior likely exhausting when mixed with real grief. Her eyes a drooping a little bit, I observe all of the ways heavy sadness clings to her more swollen features.

"What are we doing here?

I smile, face softening. "We're inside of what Lindon and I lovingly refer to as The Vortex. It is the collective of all our memories, an archive that keeps everything stored and organized for us to make decisions on the planet. With everything that we've experienced, we help navigate evolution and mitigate disaster so that Humans don't completely drive themselves to extinction."

Her eyes sparkle a little bit in wonder, distracting her from grief for seconds. I can see the weight lift off of her shoulders temporarily.

Lifting my hand gently, mana drifts up from my palm and swirls around Remi's seat in a slow gust. Once surrounded in an air-like tunnel, color pools to life inside, almost appearing to be like a rainbow against a hurricane.

Her finger pokes it a few times.

I chuckle to myself and snap my fingers.

Everything begins to whirl to life, images flickering in front of her. They solidify into a scene, the images similar to that of a projector screen and coming into precise focus.

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