21.2 | When You Leash A Destroyer |

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Damp iron slides down my wrists

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Damp iron slides down my wrists. The smell of warm coins on a humid summer day mixes with rust and hormones. Paved and polished black cement spreads out beneath me. The chains capturing me slither across the floor like a snake, making an awful sound.

I don't yank at my bindings or attempt to thrash about. 96 years taught me thoroughly. New, fresh Magic contains my Mana. Days old at most and stronger than before inherently.

If there is one thing Witches needed to learn it was how to keep their spells alive over time.

This room is less than intriguing, with nothing to look at but darkness and pain. I barely see the way my own body outlines in faint torchlight or how spacious the trap truly is.

"You're awake," a sadistic voice purrs. The sound slips off the walls and rushes toward me, the air shifting ever so slightly. "I was wondering when you would awaken again."

"Are you attempting to unsettle me, Brother?" I ask aloud, sliding my legs to the side beneath me and finding a wall to slouch against. "I'm beyond such simple tricks."

Nothing but silence follows for a few moments.

"You've been away for so long now, you know..." the disembodied voice echoes in my ears now. Soft, almost feminine. "People do not remember what it is like to be ruled. There are no more Gods... Each and every one of them has been put to rest or detained. Just as you will be."

I roll my eyes, scoffing. "Once again, I am immortal. The only of my kind to be. If you were to put a shred of fear in my heart, Kiel's blade should've gone through my chest."

"You are wrong."

"I, in fact, am not wrong. You, however, seem to be particularly unwise and egotistically arrogant."

An indignant growl shakes the floor slightly. "Your kind will not remain here!"

"Are you the one who put Kiel's knickers so firmly into a twist that his own balls have merged with his ass?"

"You're nothing but an insolent child," the voice spits out.

"I am older than you and I will not sacrifice divinity for the likes of an abomination. I taste the bile in the air, Demon. Do not think you can bribe me as if I were the next false profit."

A low hissing sound vanishes from the crack of light shining from underneath a door. The room vibrates, shivering my very cells before ceasing.

I feel the absence before true solidarity washes over me.

However preferable, it is not ideal for escape.

Closing my eyes, I taste the air and search my surroundings with the flames' help. My candle's fire spreads down to the floor and circles around me, surging with flecks of power.

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