Am I Petrified?

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As I ran out of the common room I went towards the black lake. Even though it was past curfew and there was stupid monster lurking around the school I didn't care.

I went towards the black lake and sat at the edge of the lake. Fresh tears coming out of my eyes and making their way down my face. I was sobbing. I was angry and sad at the same time. Malfoy's words made me angry but the thought that the sorting hat might have actually made a mistake made me sad.

I was sitting there crying when I heard some creepy sounds. It was as if something was slythering behind me. A chill went down my spine. I was feeling scared what if the monster was behind me. I felt my blood drain out of my face. I felt cold.

I closed my eyes in fear. Suddenly I heard a hiss. I opened my eyes a little bit and looked at the water but my eyes met a pair of yellow eyes and then everything froze around me. Everything went I could only hear noises.

I heard that thing slyther away. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. This is what it feel like to be petrified.

Y/bff/n's Pov:

I was looking for Y/n for nearly half an hour. It was past curfew so I had to keep quite. I have checked the astronomy tower and every other place Y/n would go too.

Malfoy really went all out on Y/n. I hope she is fine. Why do I have that strange feeling in my stomach that something bad is about to happen? I have checked every place. Wait...... How could I forget the black lake. That is where we first met.

I went towards the black lake. I found Y/n sitting near the edge. I went towards her and called out her name but she didn't respond. I looked at her face. She was petrified. No, this can not happen. She was my only real friend. I shook her but she didn't move. Tears started forming into my eyes. I started crying. I have to tell someone. I should go tell Madam Pomfrey. I told Y/n that I will bring some help even though I knew she won't reply.

I went towards the Hospital wing. Harry was on his bed he was still awake. He knew that Y/n was my friend and the thought that I was crying he might have got the idea that something was wrong.

I went towards Madam Pomfrey.

“ Madam Pomfrey! Y/n s-she is....... p-p-petrified.” I started crying.

Harry's eyes widened.

“ Oh dear! Where is Miss Y/l/n?” she asked worried.

“At t-the black l-lake.” I said while sobbing.

“Oh my! Didn't she know it was past curfew!?” she asked

“ No Madam Pomfrey i-it wasn't her f-fault.” I protested and then I explained everything to her. That why Y/n left.

The whole time Harry was also listening.

“Oh dear! I am going to go tell Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. I will bring Y/n here and Mr Malfoy will surely get detention for his action. Stay here!” With that Madame Pomfrey left.

“Y/bff/n, I am sorry. I know how you are feeling. She was my friend too. I am scared to see Hermione's reaction after all she is her cousin.” Harry said sympathetically.

Y/n's Pov:

I could only hear the wind and leaves rustling but then I heard footsteps. Someone was coming.

“Y/n!” Y/bff/n said.

I wanted to reply but I couldn't. She came closer I could hear her footsteps. Soon I heard whimpering. She was crying cause of me. That's when I knew she was a true friend. I wanted to cry and hug her but I couldn't move, I couldn't see, I couldn't speak. I could only hear.

“ Y/n I am going to bring some help. Please wait.” she said.

I could tell she was sad. I waited and waited until I heard footsteps not one person's. There were more then 1 person. I could feel my body levitating. I heard Dumbledore, McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey and Snape. I could tell they were all furious about something.


Hello! I hope you guys liked this chapter. As Y/n is petrified we will go through different peoples Pov's too. I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment. It helps a lot.

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