The Quidditch Match

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It was Monday today. I have a match today and I am feeling nervous because I have to play against my friends. Fred and George are also beaters and Harry is the seeker. And I have to play against them. To be honest I don't want to be the reason my team loses. So I have to play good.

I woke up did my morning routine and got ready for the match. I had to wear the Slytherin quidditch uniform.

I went to the great hall and Flint wanted me to sit with the team so he could discuss some more about the match. I sat opposite of Malfoy.

“Now when I give the signal we have to start cheating but I hope we don't reach that point.” Flint said.

“ Excuse me Flint but I don't want to cheat. I want to play a nice fair and square game.” I said.

“Flint don't listen to that mudblood.” said Malfoy

“ Y/l/n if our team loses cause of you. You will regret it your whole life.” Flint warned me.


I went to the Gryffindor team

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I went to the Gryffindor team.

“ Goodluck Harry! ” I said.

“ Good luck Y/n!” He replied.

“ Good luck Fred and George.” I said

“ Good luck N/n! (nick name)” they said in unison.

Hermione and Ron came and the also said good luck.

I went to my team and got ready with my broom. When our team was called we got out on our brooms and we fled a circle around the pitch. Only Slytherins were cheering other houses were booing. That felt bad but I saw Ron and Hermione cheering for me. After us the Gryffindor team was called and every house except for Slytherin started cheering. Really this house rivalry thing needs to stop.

Before the match started I looked at Harry, Fred and George and mouthed goodluck to them. They replied the same to me too. I could tell Harry was a little bit nervous but I was a nervous wreck. Madam Hooch released the balls and whistled signaling the start of the game.

I started hitting bludgers that were about to hit my teammates and the funny thing was that Fred and George targeted half the bludgers at Malfoy.

Malfoy was arguing with Harry and the snitch was right next to his face. I had to do something. I cannot catch the snitch myself or else I will earn my team a foul. So I try to signal Malfoy that the snitch was next to his face. He even saw my signal but ignored it and kept arguing with Harry but Harry saw my signal and flew towards the snitch.

Just at that time a bludger started targeting Harry it tried to hit him but Harry was good at dodging it.

The bludger about to hit Harry on the head but I got in front of it hit the bludger back. Harry thanked me went towards the snitch.

A Mudblood Slytherin ( Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now