Chapter 24

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The next day was a saturday so Seiko thought it would be a good day for a sleep over. "Sure, my mom is working late so I doubt she will mind" Naomi smiled. "Awesome! Let me go tell Yuu and the others" Seiko smirked running to her house from Naomi's. She waited for her to return and thought, 'I wonder how everyone else is doing.' "Naomi...Naomi!" she jumped up as she was pulled out of her thoughts. "Are you ok?" Seiko asked worried. "Yea, sorry I was thinking about something" she smiled. "Ok! Well Yuu said he would watch the others so we are free to do anything" she explained happily. "Ok..Wanna go to the store?" Naomi asked. "Sure! I am thinking of getting a new hair cut" she smirked. 'What?! Nooo don't cut you're hair! I love the little curls" Naomi whined bouncing one of them. "Hehe.." Seiko smiled. "You look great just the way you are...this hair style fits you" she continued. "Alright, alright" she laughed. Then a smile appeared on her face. 'She only gets that smile when...' Naomi didn't have time to think before Seiko put her head into her chest. "S-Seiko! Enough! We are in public" Naomi gasped. "I just wanna stay like this.." Seiko said but it was muffled.

"You're an oddball!" Naomi tried pushing her off but it was no use. "Hey watch it!" She gasped as Seiko wrapped her arm around her and grabbed her butt. Soon enough Naomi pushed Seiko off but then her friend bursted into laughter and awe. "What? What's so funny?" Naomi asked. "Look for yourself" Seiko grinned. Naomi went to the nearest window and saw her reflection then gasped. Her shirt was accidentally pulled down. "Eep!" She grabbed her shirt and pulled it back up and sighed. She looked back over at Seiko who was smiling. "Yea, I bet you got an eye full" Naomi rolled her eyes as her friend laughed.

"Come on" She sighed and continued down the sidewalk. "Oh Naomi, How I just love you" Seiko giggled. "I love you to Seiko..Even if some of the stuff you do isn't right." Naomi wasn't paying attention and crossed the road. "Naomi, look out!" Seiko wailed but it was to late. Naomi heard a car come but didn't move right away and was hit. "Naomi!" She ran to her friends side but she was unconcious. "Oh god.." She whimpered. "Excuse me ma'am?" The nurse came out of the hospital room. "Yes? How is Naomi?!" she asked frantically. "Are you her sister or something?" The nurse asked. "Yea..we are sisters.." Seiko lied. "Well..You can see her now but..She is still unconcious" She opened the door and Seiko ran to the bed. She left to give them privacy and thats when Seiko startd crying.

"Hey Naomi...It's me.." She sniffled. "I know you can pull through this..You are a tough girl and I believe in you" She went on. "So please..wake up...We were gonna have a sleep over remember?" she started to cry harder and the words came out unrecognizable. "It was supposed to!" she wailed. As usual her friend didn't reply, or hug her and say it would be ok. "I need you...You're so special to me," She whispered. "Ma'am..It's time for you to leave" The nurse knocked on the door. Seiko kissed Naomi's head and then went to the door and looked back before leaving.

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