Chapter 19

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Naomi had to go to school so she left the hospital. Seiko was supposed to get put today which made her happy. "Hey Naomi?" Satoshi said as the last bell rang. "What is it?" she asked. "Can we talk at your house?" He sighed. "Sure..." She smiled slightly. ~~At Naomi's~~ Satoshi and her stood on the porch before entering. "I wanted to tell you something," he said. "Oh?" she replied. "I know how you and Seiko are know 'thing' but I just want you to know I still love you.." he sighed. "I...still love you to but as a friend..I am sorry" Naomi frowned.

"Well..I want you to know that, I was the one who.....stabbed Seiko.." Satoshi admitted shamefully. Naomi froze in shock and her eyes widened. "You what!? How could you?!" she yelled. "I didn't mean for it to get this bad honest! I didn't know what I was doing! I just felt a little jealous when you broke up with me and..." he trailed off. "You could have killed her!!" Naomi narrowed her eyes. "I thought you were better than that! I never even imagined you being the one to stab her because well....because your the most scaredy cat in the school and-" she was cut off as he kissed her.

She was surprised and refused to kiss back. But soon enough she started to. They both jumped as they heard a gasp and pulled away. They saw Seiko standing there in disbelief. She had bandages wrapped around her stomach which really stood out. "Now Seiko...I know what it looks like but I promise it's not!" Naomi tried to calm her down. "It is what it looks like! You lied to me!" Seiko walked away angrily to her house and slammed the door.

"Satoshi what the hell was that!?" Naomi asked angrily. "You were gonna keep talking forever so...i shortened it..I never meant to let her see...I just wanted you to know I still love you," he explained. Naomi couldn't be to mad at him but right now there was nothing holding her back. "Whatever, just don't bother me anymore!" she yelled running into her house. "I'm sorry..." Satoshi sighed before walking home. Seiko cried into her pillow and then her belly started hurting. "Owe..." she sniffled before turning over so she layed on her back.

"She lied to me...I can't believe it" she sobbed. "I suddenly don't feel like going to school tomorrow..." she sighed tiredly as she closed her eyes. After a few seconds her phone went off. She picked it up and saw that Naomi was calling her. She hesitated to click the 'talk' button but then did and held the phone to her ear. "Seiko?" She heard her say. "Yea..?" Seiko meant to say it in her normal voice but it came out as a squeak. "I am so so so sorry! It wasn't what you thought, Satoshi kissed me first and I didn't mean to fall into it but I did..But please forgive me!" Naomi begged. Seiko quickly hung up the phone and layed down then fell asleep.

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