Chapter 6

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Seiko gulped before she turned the handle and opened the door. "You wanted to see me?" she called cheerfully. "Yes, Take a seat Shinohara" the principle said turning around to face her. "You are going to be transferred to a different school" he told her. Seiko felt her heart stop and she froze in disbelief. "Wait what!?" she gasped. "Yes, I believe the school was called Kurotawa Academy" Mr. Odaku explained. "I-I...don't want to leave," Seiko replied sadly. "You are a great member of Kisaragi Academy Shinohara, but this new school would be better for you" he said. Seiko nodded her head, she couldn't do anything but that. "You are excused" he muttered.

Seiko sat in her desk not wanting to talk to anyone. "Seiko!" Naomi called to her. Seiko looked up and saw everyone around her. "You were spacing off, is everything ok?" Mayu asked. "Y-ya! Why wouldn't it be?" Seiko smiled her fake believable smile. "That's wonderful!" Naomi giggled. "Actually...maybe I should just tell you guys" Seiko sighed. "I found out this morning that I was transferring to a new school..." she explained. Gasps broke through the small group as she spoke. "You can't leave!" Ayumi said. "As annoying as you are, she is right" Yoshiki rolled his eyes. "If you have to leave then, we can't do anything about it can we?" Morishige said flatly.

"We will miss you to much" Satoshi admitted. Ms. Yui stood quietly but then spoke to her student. "I really enjoy being your's going to be boring without you here" she admitted hugging Seiko. She returned the hug then looked back to the group. "W-when is your departure...?" Naomi asked sadly. "I won't be here on Monday..." Seiko sighed. Today was a Friday so it was the last day she would see her friends. It fell silent but soon enough school was over. Everyone said their goodbye's to Seiko before her and Naomi walked home together. "You will contact me right?" Naomi asked. "Of course! You better do me a favor if I am to do that" she smirked =3. "What is it?" She asked.

"You better start moving along with Mochida before next month!" Seiko laughed. Naomi's face was flushed but she sighed and giggled. "You know what...if that's what you want, I will try" Naomi promised. They both tied their pinkies together for a pinkie swear. "Alrighty! This is my stop!" Seiko said cheerfully. "Have a good night Naomi!" she waved happily before skipping to her door. 'How can she be so cheerful? Well...thats Seiko for you,' Naomi sighed to herself. She walked into her house and found that her mother wasn't home. She walked to her room and layed on her bed. "It's gonna be different on Monday..." Naomi said aloud.

Before she knew it she felt very sleepy so she got up and took a shower. Afterwards she got into her pajama's and crawled into bed. This weekend would go by very fast, but the truth was...Naomi didn't know if she could keep the promise she made. 'I am so lost right now...maybe Satoshi and I aren't meant for each other...? No, I can't think that' Naomi scolded herself. She pushed the thoughts back and she drifted off into a deep sleep. ~~Monday~~

Naomi shut the door and walked towards school. "Naomi!" Seiko called running down. Naomi turned to see Seiko in a white uniform, a gray skirt, and some black shoes. She also had a black tie around her neck. "That's the new uniform?" Naomi asked raising a brow. "Yes, I don't like it but..." Seiko sighed looking down. "Good luck with the first day!" Naomi said hopefully to cheer her friend up. "Thanks! Tell the others I said hello" Seiko nodded before running off. Naomi felt emptiness in her as she walked alone to school. ~~At Seiko's school~~ "Alright class, today we have a transfer. I am Mr. Takoshi, please introduce yourself" he sighed. 'Does he not like me!?' Seiko asked herself.

"Well?" he broke into her thoughts. "Hello! I am Shinohara Seiko!" She smiled waving. Everyone looked at her and she just smiled the kitty smile. "Alright Shinohara, take a seat over by the window next to Mr. Senoki" Mr. Takoshi sighed. Seiko nodded and walked to her desk. "Try not to bother her to much Dakachi" she heard someone whisper to the man next to her. "Who says I would!?" he retorted. "You always bother the girls" laughed the other guy. Dakachi just smiled and looked at Seiko. She didn't pay attention to him and only to the board. "Ugh, who does she think she is coming into my school?" Asked a girl. "Who knows, we should show her who's boss" the other whispered back. "Alright" she smiled before giggling quietly.

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