Chapter 9

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Seiko was in class listening to the lecture her teacher was giving. "Alright, I have to run you have a break till I get back" he said before leaving the room. With that everyone started chatting and the room got louder then before. Seiko got up and went to the lavatories. She fixed up her hair in the mirror and smiled. She looked in the top right corner of the mirror and screamed. She saw herself in the third stall hanging from a noose. She turned around and then saw Naomi on the ground crying and yelling. "Naomi!" Seiko called trying to touch her but her hand went through Naomi and then it all disappeared. "Ahh!!!" Seiko screamed before her knees gave out.

Then she looked up once more to see Naomi in the stall next to her...hanging. "Noo! This isn't real!" Seiko grabbed her head and shook with all her might. "Huh?" She blinked open her eyes and found herself in the infirmary. "What happened?" She asked getting up and sitting on the bed. "A couple of students, I think their names were Kaede, Harumi and Hinata found you in the girls lavatories unconscious" the nurse said taking Seiko's temperature. "Well...I am better now, no need to worry" Seiko smiled. "You should go on home, school will be over shortly anyways" the nurse said as she went to her desk. "Thank you" Seiko giggled bowing before skipping out of the room. "She sure is perky" the nurse mumbled happily.

Strange voice 1- "I think that was a pretty big hint, but we should keep on trying." Strange voice 2- "Yes alright, this time I pick the hint we give her...the bathroom one didn't work out so well."

Seiko skipped towards the classes her friends were in and waited for them. "Sei!" Hinata called happily waving. "Hello Hina!" Seiko waved back. "How are you doing? Did you get hurt? Can you explain? Did someone do that to you? What did the nurse say? Are-" Seiko put her finger over Hinata's lips. "Shh, your asking to fast!" Seiko giggled as Hinata's face was flushed. "Hey guys, were ready" Harumi's voice came as Kaede was behind her. "Lets go!" Seiko cheered galloping away. "Haha! Wait up!" Harumi giggled chasing after her.

"Oops! I forgot my bag!" Seiko gasped running back to the class room. As she entered everyone started pointing fingers at her and laughing. "What? What is it?!" Seiko asked looking at herself. She looked over at the board and gasped. There was a Ai-Ai Gasa on the board. (love umbrella) It had Seiko in it and Naomi. Then a little further away it had the one with her and Naomi crossed out and instead was replaced with Seiko x Hinata. "Ah!" Seiko yelped. 'How do they know about Naomi?!' Seiko thought. "Who did this!?" Seiko whined as she looked around. Everyone held in their laughters as they looked away. "Grr..." Seiko growled before running out of the classroom. "Huh?" Kaede froze as Seiko ran past them. "Sei!" Hinata called. "What happened? Let's go question the kids in the classroom!" Harumi said. As they entered the room they as well gasped at the board. "That's why she ran away..." Harumi sighed. "You pervs! How could you be so mean to a transfer! I know I have to be kind cause I am the class representative but Seiko means well! She is better then all of you!" Hinata scolded. "As your class rep I order you to erase this!" Hinata went on.

Seiko ran all the way home not stopping for a moment. While running she ran into a guy that had her school uniform on. "Oh jeez, I am sorry" Seiko sniffled. "No that's alright, what's wrong?" the guy asked. "Nothing..." Seiko looked away. "Well...I am Yotano Aoi" he greeted. "Nice to meet you! I am Shinohara Seiko..." she smiled trying to act herself. "That's a cute name" he complimented. "Thank you! I like yours to" she smiled back. "Well, I am late so I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around at school sometime? I mean, you are wearing my schools uniform after all" he chuckled. "Sure!" Seiko waved as he turned and walked home. "What a nice guy!" Seiko smiled before continued her trip to get home.

She threw her bag on the couch and felt exhausted. "Right! I have no time to rest! I have to get dinner going, help Yuu with his homework, get Aya and Kei cleaned, clean up the house, get the kids to bed, then do my homework!" Seiko said determinedly then she sighed. "That's a lot of work for a 16 year old..." Seiko sighed sadly before running to the kitchen getting dinner ready. "Seiko! I don't understand number five" Yuu called. Seiko let dinner cook as she went to Yuu. "Well...are you carrying the numbers?" Seiko asked. "Am I what?" Yuu said confused. Seiko did a problem and then he soon got the hang of it. Aya and Kei ran around the house yelling and Seiko checked on dinner.

"Aya and Kei, settle down please!" She called out as she pulled out the plates. They didn't hear her and continued to run around. "If you don't settle down I will tickle you till you laugh your guts out!" she called devilishly. Aya and Kei froze and then ran to the table. "Dinner Yuu!" Seiko called. Yuu paused his homework and ran to the dinner table. "Are you not eating Onee-san?" Yuu asked. "I don't have time, I need to get Aya and Kei's bath started" Seiko informed him. She put her apron away and ran to the bathroom. 'Jeez...Onee-San sure is busy, why does she have to be put thorough this?' Yuu asked himself. After all the kids were in bed she sat on the couch and drifted off. "No! I have to do homework!" Seiko popped up as she ate some dinner then started on her homework. "Alright, now I can shower and head to bed" she smiled happily. After she got into her pajamas she curled up in her bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

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