46 • I Miss You

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1 Month Later, Third Person Point of View

Jack sat next to Alex in her hospital bed, eyes rimmed red with fresh tears staining his cheeks. He had barely left her side since her surgery a month ago. 

The guys were starting to worry about him since he had barely eaten or slept but London and Jackson seemed to understand; they were right there next to him most of the time.

It had been an entire month and Alex still hadn't improved at all. The doctors kept on saying that there was nothing they could do to help her; it was down to her own will. 

London knew that her depression must have come back stronger before the surgery which is why she didn't seem to be fighting for her life; she didn't want to come back. However Jack refused to accept it; he was adamant that she would wake up and come back to him. 

Jack and London sat together in silence with only the steady beating of the machine hooked up to Alex filling the room, signalling that her heart remained beating.

"London, Jack?" a voice sounded softly, interrupting their thoughts. London looked up and smiled softly although it didn't seem to reach her eyes. Jack was more hesitant but also dragged his eyes away from Alex.

Standing in the doorway was Alex's parents. They had been there just as long as Jack had although they couldn't bare to be with her as often. 

"The doctors talked to us this morning. They said it's getting less and less likely that she'll wake up" Alex's mom said with tears in her eyes. she looked to the ground, not being able to look them in the eye.

Alex's dad wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Despite the fact that they had recently divorced, they had been there for each other in the last month, both too devastated to care about their differences.

"She's a fighter. She'll wake up" Jack croaked, his voice hoarse from all the crying and the lack of talking. His eyes were dull but they held a slight glimmer of hope still.

Alex's parents exchanged a glance he couldn't decipher before her dad spoke up. "They think it's time to turn off her life support" he stated sadly.

Jack immediately shot up, standing almost protectively in front of Alex. His gaze hardened as he stared at the two. "You can't" he said firmly. His voice was stronger than it had been in weeks and he wasn't backing down.

"I'm sorry Jack. I know she means a lot to you but she means a lot to us too. It's time to let her go" Alex's mother explained before they both walked out of the room.

Jack watched them leave helplessly. He didn't understand how they could just give up on her so easily; she was their daughter. London came up behind him and placed a hand carefully on his shoulder but he didn't move to look at her.

"I'll talk to them" she said before leaving him alone in the room. Jack nodded slightly before sitting down next to Alex once again. He decided to take out his phone for the first time I  days; he never had the energy to talk to anyone.

He had an endless amount of unanswered messages from his family and friends but he refrained from reading any of them. Everyone seemed to be saying the same things to him about how it would get better and everything would be okay, but none of it comforted him in the slightest.

Jack sighed deeply before turning off his phone once again. He knew he should have posted something on instagram or at least have tweeted something so the fans would know he was okay but that was the doing; he wasn't okay.

He had begun crying again although he wasn't sure when; he only realised that he was crying when a tear rolled down his cheek and landed on the white covers of Alex's bed.

"I'm sorry. They won't budge" London said quietly as she entered the room again. Jack could tell from her voice that she was just as broken as he was but he couldn't bring himself to comfort her; how could he when he didn't even know if everything was going to be okay.

It seemed like only yesterday that everything was fine and Alex was okay. He hadn't heard her voice in so long and he would have given anything to hear it again.

"Can you give me a minute?" Jack whispered, not looking up at her. London mumbled some sort of agreement before walking out of the room, leaving him alone with Alex.

Jack stared at her peaceful gave before taking Alex's hand in his and rubbing the back of it ei th his thumb. "I miss you" he whispered, now looking to their intertwined fingers; she felt almost cold and limp in his hand.

"The doctors told us a month ago that you can most likely hear us if we talk to you but I never have. I felt stupid but now could be my last chance" Jack continued.

"I don't want you to go. You can't leave me. I need you. I want things to go back to how they were" he begged, no longer trying to hold back his tears. This was his last chance to talk to her so he was finally going to get things off his chest.

"I miss your smile and your laugh. I miss how you used to tease me for getting jealous easily. I miss how your hand fit perfectly in mine. I miss everything; the good and the bad" he rambled, still not looking up at her.

"You can't leave me now. Not after everything we've been through. There's so much out there for us still. I can't handle not having you by my side through everything. I need you Alex."

Jack finally looked up. Somehow, he had a glimmer of hope that, by talking to her, Alex would finally wake up. However, he was wrong. She still lay there peacefully, oblivious to the world around her.

Jack's heart shattered once again as he later his head on the sheets, losing all hope. There was no way she was going to wake uo before her parents would turn off her life support.

"I never got to tell you that I love you" he said, barely above a whisper. His eyes had closed now and he was so focused on trying to hold back his tears that he didn't notice a slight twitch in his hand. Jack never saw the flutter of eyelashes or the squinting of eyes, but he did hear one thing.

"I love you too."


That's it!! Thank you all so much for reading Voices, I hope you all enjoyed it. I started this book not havib a clue where I was going with it and kind if made it up as I went so it's a bit of a mess but we got there in the end.

I love you all <3

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now