15 • The Music Video

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The picture above is Alex's outfit

Alex's Point of View

I arrived on set, my hair in a messy bun and with no makeup covering my face. We were recording the video later, so I knew that there was no point in spending a long time on my appearance in the morning. I hadn't even tried hard with my outfit; I wore plain grey tracksuit and a black sports bra.

If anyone had seen me that morning, I probably looked dead. I was up at half past six and my coffee machine decided it would be a good day to break, meaning I hadn't gotten my morning caffeine.

"I should not be out of bed" I groaned as I approached Jack, folding my arms across my chest. Jack merely smirked at me, seemingly less exhausted then I was. I guess that's what I get for staying up late to write songs.

"Good thing I got you this then, isn't it?" he said, holding out a cup of steaming hot coffee. I could feel my entire face light up as my eyes widened at it. Instantly, I took the coffee from his hand and instantly took a long drink from it.

"You are a life saver" I grinned as I hugged him tightly. I probably wouldn't have made it through the day without my coffee; it's essentially become my fuel. I probably relied on it too much, but what musician didn't?

Jack and I talked for a while before our choreographer, Amy, walked over to join us. "Alright, you guys ready to start?" she asked, clapping her hands together in enthusiasm. I had a new-found burst of energy thanks to the coffee Jack had given me and I nodded in excitement.

Jack visibly hesitated beside me, slightly nervous for what was to come. "Come on Jack, it'll be fun" I encouraged, looking up at him. Jack scoffed slightly at this, but not in a spiteful way. "Easy for you to say, you took dance lessons when you were a kid" he stated, still afraid.

"You'll be fine" I said softly, placing a reassuring hand carefully on his shoulder. Jack immediately relaxed at my touch - not completly, but just enough. His dark brown eyes met mine and he slowly nodded, encouraged by me certainty.

"Great. So, to start, I need you guys to stand back to back in the centre of the floor" Amy stated, pulling us by the wrist to the centre of the room. "You begin looking at the ground and then, Alex, you look up and begin singing your part. Feel free to move a little - not literally walk around, keep your feet planted. Just do what feels right" she continued.

I nodded in understanding, despite the fact that she seemed to ramble a little bit. I still understood what she meant. "Jack, you're gonna stand slightly apart from Alex, as if you guys are so close, but there's a wall separating you. Then when your solo comes up, you can look up and do the same as Alex did" Amy explained, pulling Jack forward ever so slightly.

"Ok, that will the you guys through a lot of the song, but here is where it starts to get complicated" she stated while smirking. I smiled but, once I heard a small groan escape Jack's lips, I grabbed his hand for reassurance and smiled up at him.

"So for the last few lines that you guys sing together before the chorus, I want you to turn to face each other. Put your hands up and rest your palms flat on each other, slowly bringing them down and interlocking your fingers together" Amy demonstrated. The rest of the lesson went the same as this, Amy explaining and Jack and I copying.

For the first line in the chorus, Jack wrapped his arm around my waist as I leaned backwards and he guided me in a half-circle. It felt strange having his arm wrapped around me, but it was a good weird. Next, his hands landed on my hips and quickly spun me around so my back was pressed up against his chest.

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now