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Alex's Point of View

London, Jackson and I were lying around the studio in silence, trying to work through my writers block. When I was avoiding Jack, I wasn't able to write a single verse. 

However, since we had finally gotten together, I had finished most of the album. Now, my creativity seemed to be running out. We had finished all of the music and most of the lyrics but, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out the pre-chorus.

"Any ideas yet?" London asked, looking up from her place on one of the couches. I sighed and ran my hand through my blue hair in frustration. "None. I don't know what's wrong with me" I answered.

We sat in silence for a while with only the occasional rip and crumpling of paper filled with failed attempts. I was loosing hope faster and faster by the minute until I finally gave up and collapsed back onto the floor.

"It's hopeless" I exclaimed to no one in particular. Jackson sighed and stood up, making his way towards me. Without saying a word, he extended his hand towards me, waiting for me to take it.

I eyed his hand suspiciously, not knowing why he wanted me to take it - and not fully trusting him either. "Come on" he said while rolling his eyes, moving his hand closer to me.

Hesitantly, I took his hand in my own and allowed him to pull me up so I was standing. "You too London" Jackson commanded, looking over at her briefly. London groaned before dragging herself off of the couch and joining us n the centre of the room.

"Okay, what has always been our favourite song to perform live?" Jackson asked. I looked at him sceptically as my eyebrows furrowed. Where was he going with this?

"Voices" I answered, sharing a confused glance with London. Neither of us seemed to know how this had anything to do with my writers block.

"Why?" Jackson asked, still not giving away any hints. "The crowd. They enjoy it more than the other songs because it's so much more energetic so, naturally, we feed off of their enthusiasm. Have you seen how crazy Alex gets while performing that song?" London stated, answering instead of me.

"So that's what we're going to do; perform it" Jackson finally explained with a smile as he walked over to his bass. I watched him as he walked, complete confusion written all over my face.

"Jackson, you know it's not the same when we're just in the studio" I said truthfully. By now, he was already standing with his bass next to the keyboard, ready to go. 

"So pretend there's a screaming crowd watching us. Come on, it'll be fun" he encouraged, trying to get me to agree. I stood still, not thinking it would work at all. However, London had given in and was now seated behind our drums.

"And you think this will break through my writers block?" I sighed, slowly coming around to his strange idea. Even if it didn't help it certainly couldn't hurt. Who knows, maybe it would be fun.

"Nope. But sitting around here acting all depressed isn't helping either. At least if you're happier and less stressed, it might be a little easier" Jackson explained.

I sighed and nodded before walking over to join them. He was right; sitting around and stressing about the song wasn't helping. 

I stood before the microphone, my guitar ready. My eyes closed as I took in a deep breath, preparing myself in the same way I always did when we were about to perform. Then, I let go of everything and let the music run through my veins, taking over me.

As I opened my eyes again, I visualised the crowd that Jackson was talking about. It took a moment or two but soon enough I was dancing around the studio like it was a stadium.

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now