18 • Photoshoot

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The picture above is the one Alex chose for Jack to post

Third Person Point of View

"London" Alex whined into the phone. It had been almost a week since her cover with Jack was released and the fans had been going crazy. She wanted to post a picture on Instagram to thank everyone for the support and announce the Q&A they would be doing in a few days, but she hated all of the pictures she had of herself, despite the fact that they were all almost flawless.

She wanted London to do a photo shoot with her, but her best friend knew all too well the struggles of doing a photo shoot with Alex Summers.

Since she was so insecure and saw so many flaws in herself, they would be lucky if they found a single picture she was even remotely happy with after a full day of taking pictures

Because of this, London was blatantly refusing to do a photo shoot and hung up the phone shortly after Alex bad begun to beg. Alex groaned in annoyance, flopping onto the couch.

She was about to call Jackson and ask the same favour - despite the fact that he would have been even less willing than London - when a FaceTime request from Jack popped up.

Alex sat up and clicked accept, waiting for the call to connect. "Hey" a familiar voice called out, filling her ears. Alex frowned slightly as she heard the background noise attempting to drown out Jack.

"Where are you?" she asked without greeting the boy. She tried to look at his surroundings, but couldn't see much considering he was taking up most of her screen. "In LA" he simply stated.

Alex frowned again, wondering why on earth he was calling her while in LA. "Okay, but what are you doing?" she pressed, curiosity getting the better of her. "Right now? Nothing. What are you doing?" he asked.

The blue-haired girl rolled her eyes and brushed off the fact that he was slightly avoiding her questions - probably just to annoy her. "I was trying to get London to do a photo shoot with me, but she refused. So now I'm lying on my couch moping" she giggled.

Jack's face lit up as an idea popped into his head. "I'll do a photo shoot with you" he said excitedly. Alex raised her eyebrows questioningly at the boy.

She was fine with London taking pictures of her all day and listening to her insecurities, but Jack was different. Sure, they had become really close friends, but they hadn't known each other that long, and Alex didn't know how she felt about telling him her insecurities.

"Really? I mean it usually takes all day. I always hate every picture of me" she stated, hoping it might put him off the idea. However, Jack didn't falter one bit and simply smirked at her. "Why would I pass up the opportunity to take pictures of a pretty girl all day long?" he said.

A blush instantly rose to Alex's cheeks when she heard this and she tried to hide it in her sleeve. "Smooth, Avery" she said, rolling her eyes. Jack grinned back at her, seemingly proud of himself.

When it became apparent that he wouldn't budge, Alex sighed. "Fine. Text me where you are right now. I'll come find you and we can find different places around LA to take pictures" she mumbled. Jack smiled brightly at her and nodded his head before doing just that.

Before long, Alex found herself walking around the streets of LA with none other than Jack Avery. "So, where are we starting?" he asked, turning to face her.

Alex raised her eyebrows at him. "I'm the model. You're the photographer which means you find the backgrounds" she said, poking him in the chest in a teasing manner.

Jack smiled very slightly, thinking of all the different places he wanted to bring her. Without uttering another word, he took her hand in his and began pulling her through the crowded streets of the city.

"Where are you taking me? Are you secretly planning to murder me and dump my body?" Alex asked, only half joking. Jack had brought her through endless amounts of alleys and they hadn't stopped once. "Just wait a second" he said while laughing at her.

They turned down one more alley before stopping and Alex's jaw dropped. The alley itself was the same as any other, but the walls were what made it so beautiful. Each one was decorated beautiful with different pieces of graffiti. It wasn't any sort of tagging or random paintings; it was art.

Alex slowly walked to the end of the alley, taking it all in. "It's so beautiful" she breathed out, turning slightly to look at it all. "I know" Jack simply stated, but what Alex didn't know was that he wasn't looking at the walls.

After looking at each painting, Alex started posing for Jack who had been making her laugh and loosen up the entire time. Most of the pictures were silly and she was laughing her head off, but neither of them seemed to care.

After an endless amount of picture taking, Alex walked up to Jack and took his phone from his hands. "Your turn" she simply stated. Jack looked at her, slightly surprised and confused.

"But this was your photo shoot" he stated. Alex smiled at him and shook her head. "Yes, and I'm finished. Which means it's your turn" she explained, lightly pushing him to the place she originally stood.

Jack groaned playfully, but began to pose for pictures nonetheless. Soon, he became bored and began over exaggerating model poses. Alex burst into a fit of giggles as she continued to take pictures of him. "Yas girl! Work it!" she yelled, causing him to break down in laughter as well.

Jack walked back to join her once more and gratefully took his phone back, scrolling through the pictures as Alex did the same. He only looked up when a frustrated groan left Alex's lips.

"I look terrible in all of these" she complained, forgetting that Jack was there. "What are you talking about? They're all perfect" he said, genuinely confused by the fact that she didn't see her own beauty.

"They aren't though. What am I going to post now?" she continued to complain. Jack frowned, but didn't answer her this time. Instead, he took the phone from her hands and began scrolling until he found what he was looking for.

"Post this one" he said, handing the phone back to her. The picture he had chosen wasn't one she had been posing in. It was actually a candid he had taken of her. She was turned to the side while one arm was raised slightly. She was laughing at something Jack had most likely said or done and her head was tilted back ever so slightly.

"I don't know" Alex said hesitantly, still allowing her insecurities to speak for her as they pointed out every flaw she had. "Why? You look beautiful in it. And it's natural" he pointed out.

Alex thought for a moment before an idea popped into her head. "Fine. I'll post that, on one condition. You let me pick the picture you post" she bargained, thinking Jack would never agree. However, she was proved wrong as he simply shrugged and handed her his phone.

Alex began scrolling through all of the pictures she had taken, laughing at some of them, until she stopped on one. It was a simple picture where Jack stood in the middle of the alley, looking off to the side, but she couldn't stop staring. He looked good.

"This one" she said, handing him back the phone. Jack studied the picture for a moment before frowning. He looked up at her with a questioning gaze. "Why this one?" he asked, curious of her answer.

Alex shrugged at him. "You look hot" she stated. Usually she would never have the confidence to say something like that, and if she was being honest, she had no idea what made her do it.

A smirk played on Jack's lips as he looked at her. "You mean fit?" he asked teasingly. That one sentence made Alex freeze. Her eyes grew wide as her cheeks burned up once again. He had looked up what it meant.

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now