21 • Livestream

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Third Person Point of View

"Hola mi amigo" London announced as she burst through the door of Alex's appartment once again. Alex looked up from the couch she sat on and rolled her eyes.

"I know I gave you a key and all, but you have got to start knocking. What if I had a guy over and you just walked in on us?" she asked with raised eyebriws.

London scoffed as she fell onto the couch next to her best friend. "Please. You don't have guys over unless you actually like them. Considering the fact that the only guy you seem to like is Jack, I don't think that will happen any time soon" she stated, a smirk playing on her lips.

Alex rolled her and playfully hit London's arm. She had given up on trying to argue with the girl, knowing it was pointless. Instead, she silently hoped that London would grow tired of the constant teasing and give up.

"You know you love me" London stated, smiling sweetly back at Alex. The blue-haired girl attempted to glare back, but she couldn't stop the smile from forming.

"Sometimes, I wonder why" she retorted, turning back to her phone. As she did so, a gasp escaped from London's lips, shortly followed by a shriek.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. Her voice had somehow increased an octave, causing Alex to wince in surprise. "What is it? Is there a mouse?" she asked frantically, looking around the room for a rodent.

"You got a tattoo!" London squealed, bouncing up and down in her seat. Alex instantly relaxed now that she knew there was no mouse, but she still shot a glare at her best friend.

"Bloody hell, you nearly gave me a flipping heart attack" she breathed out. As Alex tried to scroll through her Twitter, London began pulling at her hair, dragging it to the side so she could examine the tattoo.

"It's so pretty, oh my God" she mumbled, looking closely at the detail on it. "When did you get it? Where did you get it? Why did you get it? When were you going to tell me? Were you going to tell me?" London began rambling, firing multiple questions at Alex without giving her a chance to answer any of them.

Alex giggled at her best friend's enthusiasm and shook her head. "One at a time London" she stated, referring to the questions she had been bombarded with.

"Right, sorry. Just tell me everything" she answered. London crossed her legs on the couch and turned to face Alex, eagerly awaiting the story. London and Jackson had been trying to convince Alex to get a tattoo ever since she turned eighteen, but she had always refused.

"Okay, Jack heard me say in that interview we had that I wanted a tattoo so he made an appointment with Phillip Spearman-" Alex began to explain but was cut off very quickly by London.

"Wait. The Phillip Spearman did your tattoo?" she questioned, slightly starstruck. Both of the girls had admired his work from his instagram page for a long time.

Alex smiled brightly and nodded eagerly. "Yup. He's a fan of our band by the way" she stated, remembering what Phillip had said. Upon hearing this, London's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. Alex couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Anyway, Jack brought me to his tattoo parlor. I picked the tattoo I wanted and Phillip did it. That's  kind of it" Alex finished, shrugging her shoulders.

"We should show the fans!" London exclaimed. She seemed to be in a very good mood - she would never usually squeal this much.

Alex frowned slightly at the girl and gave her a questioning look. "I'm not going to post a picture of my ear. That's just too weird" she stated.

London rolled her eyes. "Obviously. I meant we could go live. It's been a while" she explained, taking Alex's phone from her and starting a livestream on her Instagram.

Alex chuckled at her. She had already started the live without waiting for any confirmation from Alex, so there really wasn't any point in objecting. Before long, thousands of people began flooding in and had begun typing out comments.

"Hey guys" London said, waving to the camera. "We have something to show you" she said, wiggling her eyebrows. Alex waved at the camera and laughed at her friends enthusiasm.

"Alex finally got a tattoo" London said, flipping the camera and pointing it behind Alex's ear. Comments came flooding in instantly. Everyone was freaking out over it because they all knew how scared Alex was of getting one.

Alex smiled as she began reading all of the compliments. "You're welcome lol. Oh, hey Jack. And yeah, you guys should thank him. He's the one who brought me to get it. I probably wouldn't have gotten one if it wasn't for him. Sorry if I cut off the circulation to your hand by the way" she said as she read out his comment.

London instantly began smirking at the interaction as comments about Jalex took over the livestream. Alex began to blush slightly but covered it up by resting her head in her hands.

"Hey, Christina's here! I love you more than I love Corbyn" Alex exclaimed once she saw the girl's comment. "Me too" London added, smiling at the camera.

"I love you guys too! We should meet up when I'm in LA. Wait, you're coming to LA? Why didn't anyone tell us this? I need to meet my future wife" Alex joked causing London to laugh beside her.

"Wife me up. Alina. I ship it" London said jokingly. Both of the girls burst into a fit of giggles, no longer able to control it.

"Christina is already stealing my best friend and she hasn't even met her yet. Awe, Jack's jealous. Alex get your man" London said teasingly as she read out Jack's comment.

Alex's cheeks began to flush as she hit London on the arm once again that day. "He's not my man" she mumbled, trying to hide her blush.  "Not yet. Oh, Jack's making moves" London said, wiggling her eyebrows at the camera.

Alex's eyes immediately widened when she heard this. "Okay, I think it's time we go" she said, desperately trying to escape the awkward situation.

"Why? It was just getting good" London complained. Alex shot a glare at her and took the phone out of her hands. "Bye guys" she said while waving before clicking the "end live" button.

"That was fun" London stated. Alex looked at her as if she was crazy before collapsing backwards with a groan. "We are never going live again" she stated.


Not much happened but y'all got some lalex and I stan that friendship

Ily all <3

Edit: this chapter has been updated but only to replace Romeo Lacoste with a different tattoo artist. After hearing about what he has done there is no way I want him in my story. I hope you guys understand <3

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now