33 • Friends?

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Alex's Point of View

"Alex?" Jack said as I burst through the front door. He was sitting on the couch next to Zach with a game paused on the television.

Suddenly, my throat felt dry and I had completely forgotten everything I had rehearsed on the way over here. "I'm going to leave you guys alone" Zach said awkwardly. I smiled gratefully at him as he ascended the stairs, leaving us in an awkward silence.

I stated back at Jack, not knowing how I should say what I wanted to. I had avoided him for weeks; what if he hated me now?

"Alex are you okay? I know we haven't talked in a while but still" Jack began. He had stood up from where he was sitting and was now walking slowly towards me with concern written all over his face.

Jack continued to absentmindedly  ramble about the past few weeks and I couldn't help but smile as an idea popped into my head. Nothing works better than cheesy rom-coms, right?

I closed my eyes briefly to psych myself up. I had to do this; I couldn't lose Jack for good. Before I could convince myself to back out and run away again, I closed the space between us and pressed my lips against his.

The kiss didn't last longer than a few seconds before I pulled away. Jack stared back at me in shock and confusion. I giggled and smiled up at him. "You talk too much" I stated.

Jack seemed to stare for a few more seconds before breaking out of his trance. "So you did that just to shut me up?" Jack asked cautiously. It was almost as if he was dreading my answer.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly and tilted my head at him. "Well, yes. But no" I stated, suddenly losing all of the confidence I had previously gained.

"No?" Jack questioned, moving closer to me again. "Yes" I answered. I knew this was a mess but I didn't know how else to say it right now. My mind was completly blank; I couldn't concentrate when he was this close to me.

"Yes?" Jack questioned again. He wasn't understanding what I was trying to say at all. I sighed in frustration and ran a hand through my short hair.

"No! I mean- ugh" I exclaimed. This was not going to plan at all. Why did rom-coms make it look so easy? "Look, I did it to shut you up but also because I wanted to" I said, mumbling the last part out of embarrassment.

"You wanted to?" Jack questioned. Was he just going to repeat everything I said as a question? I looked down at the floor and nodded slowly. I could tell that my cheeks were as red as Zach's now.

"Good" Jack said lowly as he placed his finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. "Because I did too" he said barely above a whisper. By now I was completly lost in his dark brown eyes and I barely noticed his face inching towards mine.

My mind became fuzzy as Jack pressed his lips softly against mine once more. This kiss was as short and sweet as the last but it meant so much more; it meant that he felt the same as I do; it meant that I was an idiot for avoiding him for weeks; it meant that my heart wouldn't be broken.

As we separated once again, I smiled and bit my lip. "So" I said, not knowing what to do now. Jack smiled down at me with sparkling eyes. "So" he repeated.

I rolled my eyes at him. He really loved repeating what I said. "What does this mean?" I asked cautiously. Even though he missed me, I still didn't know if he wanted a relationship like I did. Maybe he was regretting it already.

"What do you want it to mean?" he asked. I groaned and punched his arm lightly. "Stop it" I warned. I tried to come off as annoyed but my happiness overpowered it and I ended up smiling and giggling like an idiot.

"Okay, okay" he laughed while holding his hands up in defence. "It means that I'm taking you out on a date this Saturday. So be ready" he stated.

I raised my eyebrows at him and crossed my arms across my chest. "Cocky, are we?" I teased. Jack rolled his eyes and pulled me into him for a hug.

"I'll pick you up at one" he simply stated, ignoring my taunts. I nodded into his chest, not wanting to leave the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

After a few more seconds I groaned and pulled away. "I should probably get back to the others before they wonder why I went for such a long walk" I giggled. Jack shook his head in amusmant and kissed me on the cheek. It felt weird but definitely in a good way.

Just as I was about to walk out the door, Jack leaned down to whisper in my ear. "By the way, I've always thought your accent was hot as fuck" he said before pulling away.

My eyes widened as goose bumps took over my body. That definitely was not expected. I could tell that he was smirking as he stood behind me and I just smiled.

Jack Avery was going to be the death of me.


Short but cute? I hope? Ajdniekf

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now