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~Vincent's POV~



"Tiiiiiiiifaaaaaaaa," I drag out, poking her cheek.


"Why won't you get up?" I groan, yanking the covers off her curled up body.

"No." She repeats, her eyes still shut.



"Tifa. Tiiiifa. Tifaaaaaa. Ti...."

"Shut up!" She snaps.

"Get up," I demand, kissing her cheek.


"Cmon, please?"

"Nope." I smirk and lick her cheek. "Ew! That's gross, Vince!" She shrieks, wiping her cheek off with her hand and glaring at me.

"Don't be so grumpy!" I hope up my hands on defense.

"And put a shirt on," she grumbles. "Pants too."

"I'm not allowed to walk around in my underwear?" I pout.


"Geeze, someone's grouchy today," I scoff, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Am not," she protests, sleepily sitting up and glaring at me still.

"Is it that time of the month or something?" I mutter to myself sarcastically, but her cheeks and the tops of her ears turn bright red. "It is isn't it!" I laugh.

"Shut up," she says, standing to walk away.

"Aw. Come back," I say, catching her arm and still unable to contain my chuckles.

"You don't just ask any woman something like that," she groans, but let's me put her to me anyway.

"But you're not any woman."

"Still, I can't help that Mother Nature hates me!" She shoots a frown in my direction.

"It's okay Tifa, just go with the flow," I snicker.

"You're not funny," she glowers.

"Okay, okay. I won't joke about it. Period."

"You're awful," she hits my chest and leaves. I laugh to myself loudly enough for the whole ship to hear. I don't really give a crap.


"Are you done being rude yet?" Tifa glares at me when I see her in the cockpit.

"Vincent? Rude? Well this is new," Red says sarcastically.

"I know right?" I smirk, kissing the top of her head. I turn to see Yuffie literally shoving Cloud into the room, who's complaining about a headache.

"Well you know, it would've helped if you hadn't have gotten drunk again." I sigh and shake my head at Yuffie indirect news for us. Cloud's face heats up.

"They weren't supposed to know that."

"Well now they do. Get over it," she scoffs, moving away from his back so that he falls onto his butt. Hard. Blinking at the floor and frowning, he forces himself to his feet and holds the bridge of his nose as he blindly follows her, crashing into Cid twice. I shoot a look to Cid.

"I wouldn't be judging, Valentine," he raises an eyebrow and I tense, looking back down at the floor.

"He's right, you know," Tifa mumbles. I put my arms around her body and pull her back into me. I like it when people are close to me, okay? I spent too long alone in a coffin.

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