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~Cloud's POV~

"Look at our amazing matching scars," I laugh, looking at the slit on the back of Yuffie's head.

"It's not that amusing," she rolls her eyes.

"The way you react is."

"You're really annoying," she rubs her face with both hands.

"You're just irritable," I say, still in a relatively good mood. Even though we just got in a fight with some of our greatest enemies in our friend's garage. And then got sent home so he could sleep. These Remnants have bad timing.

"I just got slammed against a brick wall by my worst enemy and then Tifa of all people had to be the one to give my scalp stitches."

"Trust me, I've been through that before," I shudder. "It was not pleasant."

"Feel bad for me!" she says like a dying moose and flopping backwards onto my lap. I wince and try to push her off.

"Woman, you're crushing my... stuff."

"Aw, no Strife babies," she coos.

"Yuffie," I whine, trying to make her move.

"Fine,'' she laughs and scoots to the spot beside me on the bed. " Better?"

"Well considering I'm in pain, not really."

"Stop your complainin and... take it like a man?" she cocks her head to the side and opens her mouth to speak again but snaps it shut when Denzel appears in the doorway.

"Shut it, we're tryin' to sleep," he mutters and stumbles back to his room.

"We're such bad parents," I yawn, laying back on the pillow.

"I know," she yawns. "He's so moody sometimes. It might be because we aren't the happy little family he wanted us to be?" she winks suggestively and I flush red. This is getting real old. And I don't know why it makes me blush when she talks about it.

"I should just melt a piece or metal to a random rock and give it to you," I groan.

"I'm only worth a piece of rusty iron and a pebble to you?" she pouts playfully.

"No! I'm just... frugal," I rush.

"Okay," she rolls her eyes teasingly.

"What?" I look at her, exasperated. "Why do you want this so bad?"

"Because," she shrugs, laying her head on my shoulder. "I guess... When you love someone a certain amount, you just want to be theirs forever, you know? I guess it's a security thing, like my netted leg or the shield on my arm."

"You will be mine forever," I insist, kissing her soft forehead.

"I know... I just like to feel 100% safe with everything. I'm weird like that."

"We just started dating though," I complain. I'm not getting down on my knees and begging for her finger so I can put a rock on it anytime soon.

"So? Actually, my parents never dated... They just kinda met one night and decided to get married."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm proving a point," she laughs.


"Okay what?"

"Nothing," I shake my head. "But you might have to wait awhile."

"Whatever Cloud," she sighs, kissing my cheek.

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