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~Vincent's POV~

"It's my fault," Yuffie cries into her hands.

"It is not your fault," I say, sitting beside her.

"I should've stopped him or something."

"You couldn't have, he would've hurt Cloud," I say, giving Tifa a 'help?' look. She rolls her eyes and sits by her.

"Yuffie, look at me."


"Yuffie," she snaps, hasher this time.

"What?" she looks up, her face stained around her eyes.

"It was not your fault."

"But I..."

"You nothing. You did what you could and you saved Cloud's life by doing that. Denzel's too," she states, looking back at the terrified boy the Cid is trying to calm down.

"No I didn't! He's probably getting killed right now!"

"Shh!" I hush her as Denzel's eyes get huge.

"I'm sorry, I just..."

"Remember when I blamed myself the first time we lost him?" Tifa asks. Yuffie nods in response. "It was a stupid thing to do. It made me weaker and I was crying over something I couldn't have helped. I couldn't have grabbed him or saved him from insanity when he did that, just like you couldn't have saved him from getting hurt by Sephiroth. He's fine."


"No buts, we need to try to find him," I say, standing. If he's in the hands of a vengeful Sephiroth, he won't make it long. I mean, mind wise, anyway. It doesn't take much to make him forget everything.

"I have something that might help, actually," Yuffie sniffles and walks ahead of me.

"Well, it might do the opposite, but I need to show you guys anyway."

"What's up?" Barret looks at us.

"You need to come too," she nods for him to follow. We wait patiently as she moves about the clinic, looking for something until she holds up a jar.

"Found it."

"What?" Barret raises an eyebrow.

"I found this microchip in the back of Cloud's head the other day," she frowns, handing it to him. He groans.

"That was supposed to help us track him if he ever got lost again," he shakes his head and Yuffie sighs.

"I knew I messed that up. How are we supposed to find him now?"

"Wait, is he missing?"

"Sephiroth took him," Denzel says.

"On board?!"

"Downstairs," Yuffie nods. "Said he would kill Cloud right then and there if we didn't give him what he wanted. Stabbed him a little bit and then left with him. Cloud didn't even put up a fight."

"You're kidding me," The big man shakes his head. "We can't be safe anywhere. We just got back on board today too. Good thing we made sure he got two, huh Tifa?" he grins.

"Two?" Yuffie says, relieved.

"In between his shoulders," Tifa shrugs. "That's why he has that scar there," She wonders out loud.

"You'd probably have to hack into it though," Barret sighs, scratching the back of his neck. "I forgot all the access information. They do it differently it Kalm."

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