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~Yuffie's POV~

           After getting dressed, I go back to the bunk room and set my shoes out to dry. Denzel lays down on the floor beside our bed on top of a thick stack of blankets, curled up like a cat. I feel bad about him having to sleep on the cold hard floors, but he says he doesn't mind and that it's a lot more fun than sleeping in a boring old bed. He doesn't stir as I lay my shuriken right beside my head in case of an emergency. Then I lay down on my side of the bed, which is never made unless Cloud is awake after me. Speaking of Cloud, he just walked over and slid under his side of the covers, sleeping shirtless as always. Then he slips an arm around me and holds me close to him, my warm back heating up his cool stomach.

"You actually gonna sleep tonight?" He mutters by my ear as I click the light off.

"How did you know I didn't..."

"I've lost a parent before Yuffie," he says before turning his light off. "I know how hard it us to eat or sleep."

"I'll try, I sigh."

"Good," he yawns, kissing my neck gently and dozing off.

"Night Cloud," I snuggle into the cool pillow.

              After hours of just laying there with my eyes shut, Cloud finally rolls over in his sleep, releasing me. I silently pad across the floor and leave the room, taking the stairs to the deck. This seems to be the place where everyone gets away for a while. The gentle breeze in your hair, the amazing view of the world and the towns we hang over since we don't dare to land at night. I wouldn't mind spending a night in a normal bed in a normal house by myself. I don't mind being with Cloud, it's just that I like to have my space sometimes.

            I watch the stars and the water as they move barely noticeably. Ignoring the creak I hear behind me, I sit down and let my legs dangle down through the railing.

"I thought you were sleeping," Cloud yawns and copies my position.

"I couldn't but you're allowed to sleep without me, you know," I shrug.

"I wasn't asleep," he shrugs, but I can see clearly through his lie. "I miss my happy Yuffie," he puts an arm around my shoulder and I lay my head on his. "Where'd she go?"

"She is in hibernation?"

"For how long?"

"Until I'm happy again."

"You're taking this death too hard, like it's your fault or something."

"No, but pretty much the last thing I told him was that I hated him."

"He knew you didn't hate him," Cloud frowns, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"How do you know?" I frown.

"When Denzel kept telling me he hated me, I didn't really believe him. I guess there's something about being a parent... You just know."



"Did you really want me to sign on with you as Denzel's parent?"

"Of course," he looks at me.


             We sit in a comfortable silence together, looking at the sky and just enjoying each other's company. Finally I speak up.

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