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~Denzel's POV~

I frown at my hands. Why can't I come? It's just a meeting with the Turks, right? I wanna talk to Reno and Rude. Mostly Reno. But not Elena, she's a jerk. I don't like her. Reno's cool and he accepts me and hangs out with me sometimes when he's on his day off in the Edge. He's also kind of an idiot, but I like how he takes his job seriously and is fun at the same time. I don't want to be left behind, and maybe that's why I have to sneak out of here. The 'original three', aka, Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, went to make sure the alliance with the Turks is still on and if they've found any clues about that bad guy. Sushiroth I think.

Cid, the cat dude, RedIIX, Vincent, and the fun lady were all left on board. The fun lady, Yuffie I think, is supposed to be watching me, but she took me down to the very bottom of the ship, where Cid put in a training room. There's targets and everything! Right now I'm looking at the rack of all of Barret's past gun arm attachments, fascinated at how he went from a simple gun to a three barreled gun that can transform into a metal hand. Technology stuff, I guess. Either he thought it up or he found one of Jesse's old blueprint plans for gun arm stuff. They're pretty neat.

There's a dull thud as Yuffie lazily flings a knife at one of the targets, hitting the bullseye lazily. I turn to watch her but the display case of Tifa's past stuff catches my eye and I look through the glass at all the gloves. Fingerless ones, spiked ones, ones with claws, ones with fingers, she has them all. Where do these people find this stuff? Better yet, where do they get their clothing? They dress like they don't understand that jeans and a T-shirt is casual. Well, except for Cid, I suppose. He just wears jeans, a shirt, and always has the jacket with him, but I've noticed that it's missing one sleeve. I wonder why?

"I'm bored," Yuffie tosses another sharp weapon at the same target, which sticks in right next to the previous one.

"Me to," I move to Cloud's case. Organics, Apocalypse, and Ultima Sword are by far my favorite. He has stories to go with each, including the Yoshiyuki, which is inches shorter than Sushiroth's sword.

"What do you want to do. In this room, anyway."

"Why this room?" I ask.

"I'm too lazy to climb the stairs and I highly doubt you're strong enough to carry me," she wiggles her eyebrows.

"I'm sure I could at least drag you," I cross my arms.

"You're a stick figure, Denzel," she laughs, poking my skinny arm. "Most girls would be proud if they weighed as much as you."

"Okay?" I say, confused. Did she just say I have a girl body?

"But back to the point. You have no muscle whatsoever."

"I do too!" I protest, lifted my sleeve and flex, proudly showing the tiny bump on my arm.

"Wow. That's impressive," she says sarcastically.

"You really start to wonder what life is when a girl has a better 8-pack than you," I mumble.

"What is with guys and muscles anyway?"

"I don't know, it's just something that... I don't know," I say again.

"Wow. That was deep."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes.

"Hey, mommy said no bad language," she smirks.

"One: Tifa is not my mom. I don't have a mom. Or a dad. Two: Shut up is not bad language."

"Eh, don't take it you hard. My mom's dead and my dad sucks," she shrugs. "Turned our impressive city into a tourist spot." She's quiet before a few seconds before speaking up."What do you want to do though, seriously."

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