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~Vincent's POV~

I can feel the jealousy radiating off Cloud, the confusion in the air around Yuffie. Honestly, I'm pretty confused myself. In fact, no part of me is moving, she's kissing me for... what reason? No idea. Maybe to make Cloud upset? Which would make Yuffie upset...? But she's Tifa, she's a forgive and forget kind of girl. Would she even do something like that?

"I'll be on the deck," Cloud mutters finally, taking Yuffie's hand and slamming the door behind him. Tifa instantly pulls away. I calmly raise an eyebrow even though her face is tomato red.

"Um.. At least it worked." She bites her lip.

"What worked?" I ask.

"Getting Cloud to leave."

"Oh," I chuckle, looking at the blanket.

"Sorry if that made anything awkward," she looks up hopefully.

"Of course not," I shake my head. "It was just an act to get that idiot out of the room."

"Right..." she trails off, looking down again. We sit in an awkward, tense silence for a few moments. She picks at the loose threads on the cheap blankets Cid provided us with while I resist the urge to run my fingers over my lips as if it would cool down the burning there.

"The thing is," she speaks up. "I... don't know if it was really all an act."

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"Um... Well, at first it was kinda just an act, but, uh, I kinda got... caught up in the moment, I guess?"

"Not following you," I shake my head.

"I didn't mean to kiss you," she blurts. I raise an eyebrow. Seemed like it to me... "I was only supposed to... you know, just make him mad enough to leave," she shrugs, her face on fire.

"Ah," I nod, looking over at the wall, imagining images being traced across the chipped paint.


"Hmm?" I turn my head to look at Tifa only to feel her mouth on mine again. I jump, falling backwards a little only to catch myself with my hands.

"Holy crap," I mutter, my heart pounding quickly at the surprise she gave me. She just laughs and presses on.

Somehow her hands end up around my neck and one of mine on her back, the other supporting our weight. What? Someone has to hold us up. It would just be plain awkward if someone walked in and found us making out on... Someone walks in...! We break away as soon as the door creaks open, but Barret is still standing there awkwardly, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"Uh..." he looks anywhere but towards us. When he finally does look at us, I force my eyes to stare unblinking into his. It's as if I'm daring him to say something. His breathing ends up more sharp and staccato until I raise an eyebrow.

"Sorry," he mumbles, shuffling through the room to pull something from a bag he brought along.

"Barret," Tifa says quietly.

"You do not know how awkward this is," he turns and looks at us, shaking his head.

"I think we understand fairly well," I cross my arms, bored. Don't get me started how many times people have walked in on me in this kind of situation.

"Do you now?" Barret raises an eyebrow before going back to looking through the leather backpack.

"Too well for you to understand," I laugh, swinging one of my legs back and forth over the side of the bed.

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