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~Tifa's POV~

Cloud hangs behind me and Vincent, glaring at all the building replicas that were built throughout the town. All the actors are in their house, waiting for Cloud to try and question them again, to which they'll give confusing answers to mess his mind up. I shake my head slightly, a few strands of hair falling into my face. I blow them away and continue walking towards the old Shinra Mansion.

I can't express into words the hatred burning in my soul right now. Towards Yuffie, towards the Turks, even slightly towards Cloud. No matter how much I try to express how much I love him, he doesn't feel it back, doesn't care, and I highly doubt he'll make an effort to make me feel better about it. I'm pretty sure Yuffie pulled some sort of act to make him carry her. I mean, she is Yuffie after all, and this is so stressful.

"Here for the Turks?" some random woman in a black dress asks us at the door. I look back at Cloud, who still looks lost in thought and slightly angry.

"Cloud," I get his attention. His head jerks up and his crystalline blue eyes meet mine. I nod my head towards the woman with my eyebrows raised and he pushes past Vincent, who looks around curiously, as if sucking it all into his memory. He told me once that going new places is like torture for him. He takes it all in and it becomes another burden for him. He told me that he ends up feeling the pain of every place he goes, whatever that means. I kinda get it here. This is where we first met him, where he decided to join us in the fight to save the world.

"Yeah," he answers her. She nods and leads us through the front doors. Two men, I'm assuming from the 'New Shinra', hold out their hands to us.

"Weapons," the bigger man says. Cloud tosses his heavy sword to one of the men, who nearly drops it.

"Easy, that's one of a kind, you know," he hides a smirk. "Don't break it."

"I'll try," the man frowns at me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Got something against gloves?" I hold up my hands and wiggle my fingers.

"I have something against gloves that could help draw blood. Hand em over," the bigger man holds out his hand.

I sigh and toss them at the guy. they hit him in the chest and flop down into his arms. Vincent basically shoves the man as he pushes his gun into his face. The man actually looks a little intimidated. He should be, I mean, Vincent is tall, dark, mysterious, scary, caring, and attractive all rolled into one. I shake my head at my thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I think Cloud and Reno Sinclair are pretty attractive too. Okay, hot. Three hot dudes, but I love Cloud with my dark soul, so we'll leave it at that. (HEHE, DARK XD)

"Let me show you to the meeting room," the woman nods, looking a little frightened. She should be, we've had a crappy last few days. I'm going to blow up if I don't punch someone soon. Please ignore that statement.

"We know where it is," Cloud mutters.

"It's very unprofessional of me to let you wander around by yourselves," she shakes her head.

I give Vincent a look, which he returns to some extent. Most of his facial expressions are the same, with slight differences occasionally. What you really have to look at is his eyes. Those eyes speak wonders.

"Here you are!" She says, opening the door.

"Finally," Reno scoffs, his ankles crossed on top of the table. "Sit down, I guess." He waves to the two torn up chairs in front of the desk he's seated at.

"I'll stand," Vincent mutters next to my ear.

It takes me a moment to understand. Oh. Right. Two chairs. Three people. Though I could probably share a chair IF SOMEONE WASN'T BEING SUCH A BUTTHOLE. COUGH CLOUD COUGH. I sit in one of the chairs, wincing as one of the bare springs digs into my thigh.

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